美国国家航空航天局(NASA)于本周星期二(7月12日),公布了一组来自詹姆斯·韦伯(James Webb)太空望远镜拍摄到的迄今为止“最深最清晰的遥远宇宙的全彩图像”。 其中包括星系团、南天环状星云、史蒂芬五重星系等天体。 甚至还有我们从未见过...
目前人类所知的宇宙历史约为138亿年,“韦伯的第一个深场”几乎捕捉到了来自宇宙起点的光线。 NASA on Monday showcased the first full-color images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, also known as JWST or Webb, follo...
「NASA’s James Webb.exe」https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/4r64HNdzjFM 点击链接保存,或者复制本段内容,打开「阿里云盘」APP ,无需下载极速在线查看,视频原画倍速播放。
作为哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)的后继者,詹姆斯‧韦伯太空望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope)搭载中红外仪器(Mid-Infrared Instrument, MIRI),能够透过厚重的尘埃云看到里面恒星和行星诞生的情况、探测到系外行星大气层的构成,还能探查更早期宇宙中星系是如何形成的,其敏感度比著名的哈勃望远镜高出百倍,也就...
https://www.nasa.gov/webbfirstimages https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Webb/Webb_delivers_deepest_image_of_Universe_yet https://astromart.com/news/show/james-webb-space-telescope-powerful-successor-to-nasas-32-year-old-hubble ...
JWST 与地球的通信包含一个确认协议——只有在 JWST 确认文件已成功接收后,它才会删除其数据副本以清理空间。 JWST的通信子系统由诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司与航天器总线的其余部分一起组装,使用了来自多家制造商的现成组件。 素材来源: https://spectrum.ieee.org/james-webb-telescope-communications...
James Webb Space Telescope raw image of Saturn.(Image credit: JWSTFeed.com) The James Webb Space Telescope has captured its first incredible images of the gas giant Saturn, but they aren't quite ready for the public yet. The raw images ofSaturnwere revealed on the unofficial websiteJWST fee...
The images were captured as part of a Webb observation program to survey a large portion of NGC 1333. These data constitute the first deep spectroscopic survey of the young cluster.詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜的红外视觉功能,可以让我们透过恒星形成区NGC1333的尘埃面纱去窥探星空。 我们可以看到行星质量的天体、...
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope continues to capture eye-popping images of thecosmos, with its latest showing fantastic detail of thousands of young stars spotted in a stellar nursery nicknamed the "Tarantula Nebula." A stellar nursery is an area of outer space within a dense nebula in whic...
2.James Webb Space Telescope 詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜 3.planetary astronomer 行星天文学家 Painting a picture that moves from orange and yellow at Jupiter's poles to blues and purples toward the center, several images from the telescope came together to form an overall composite and give Earth a ...