北京时间9月14日22时(美国东部时间9月14日10时),NASA将在华盛顿总部召开媒体会议,讨论不明空中现象(UAP)独立研究小组的调查结果。 发布会前大约30分钟,NASA将在官网发布该团队的完整报告。NASA TV直播地址:https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive B站转播地址:http://live.bilibili.com/60617 机智号第58次飞行 ...
NASA TV直播地址:https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive B站转播地址:http://live.bilibili.com/60617 7月8日,NASA公布了韦布空间望远镜的首批5个观测目标,有图像和光谱。目标一:船底座大星云(Carina Nebula),船底座大星云时天空中最大、最亮的星云之一,位于南半球,距离地球大约7600光年的船底座。Credit: NASA,...
NASA TV formerly NASA Select is the television service from the United States office NASA. NASA TV gives live coverage of missions along with agency events together with helpful news media, educators and students, and also the general public. ...
北京时间1月31日18时30分(美国东部时间5时30分),NASA TV 将进行现场直播“超级蓝色血月亮。直播地址:NASA.gov/live 2018年1月31日的月亮特殊之处有三个原因:这是一连三个“超级月亮”中的第三个,当月球处于...
NASA TV直播地址:https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive B站转播地址:http://live.bilibili.com/60617 7月8日,NASA公布了韦布空间望远镜的首批5个观测目标,有图像和光谱。 目标一:船底座大星云(Carina Nebula),船底座大星云时天空中最大、最亮的星云之一,位于南...
NASA TV - Live space missions, events and pre-recorded educational, public relations programsNASA TV provides programming 24 hours a day. Programs include "NASA Gallery" -- photographs and video from NASA's history; "Video File" -- broadcasts b-roll footage for news and media outlets; "...
179 views NASA TV is the television service of the United States government agency NASA. NASA TV provides 24-hour broadcasting of live and recorded events and documentaries aimed toward the general public. Click Here to WatchPeoria Bridge January 29th, 2020 USA Tags: Other Webcam view overloo...
长期驻留,以及更加遥远的载人登陆火星做准备。 NASA TV将在北京时间8月29日18时30分进行直播。NASA TV直播地址:https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive B站转播地址:https://live.bilibili.com/60617 参考 https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-identifies-candidate-regions-for-landing-next-americans-on-moon ...
NASA TV live coverage will begin at 12:30 p.m. For NASA TV downlink information, schedules, and links to streaming video, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/nasatv Audio only of the news conferences and launch coverage will be carried on the NASA “V” circuits, which may be acce...
Watch NASA TV Live on your Windows tablet, PC or Xbox, for free and without Ads! Now with Picture-in-Picture mode (currently available only on PCs/tablets with Windows 10+). You can choose between both NASA TV Channels: Public and Media The playback