Wind tunnel testsSupersonic wind tunnelsAircraft enginesDesign analysisWind tunnel modelsQuality controlSafetyEngineersThis report describes criteria for the design, analysis, quality assurance, and documentation of models that are to be tested in the wind tunnel facilities at the NASA Glenn Research ...
Now, NASA researchers plan to use the DART engine to investigate ideas that could help develop new ultra-efficient airliners for use during the 2030s and beyond. If all goes well, thetechnologycould proceed to more exhaustive tests involving larger facilities such as NASA's wind tunnels. "DART...
此外,Glenn 9×15- Foot Atmospheric Propulsion风洞的剩余 大雷诺数 常压 特殊测试 大型,大雷诺数 中型,大雷诺数 小型,大雷诺数 超大型,常压 大型,常压 中型,常压 小型,常压 推进集成,含气流 模拟 舱载/分级分离 运动/颤振模拟 半模测试 地面效应测试 旋翼机测试 远场声学 近场声学 尾旋 小紊流 结冰 100%...
Population-1,000toover10,000on-sitepersonnel •Complexityofinstallations –Laboratories,teststands,windtunnels,hangars,shops–Includestenantorganizationsandprivateenterprises •Largecontractorworkforce –SeveralGOCOfacilities–About4contractoremployeespercivilserviceemployee •Geographicvariability-10states ...
–Laboratories, test stands, wind tunnels, hangars, shops –Includes tenant organizations and private enterprises • Large contractor work force –Several GOCO facilities –About 4 contractor employees per civil service employee • Geographic variability - 10 states ...
The Acoustic Environment of the NASA Glenn 9- by 15-Foot Low-Speed Wind TunnelAcousticsLow speed wind tunnelsNoise intensityBackground noiseAnechoic chambersMach numberNoise measurementPerforated platesSignal to noise ratiosWind tunnel testsThe 9- by 15-Foot Low Speed Wind Tunnel is an acoustic ...
NASA Lewis Research Center is home to more than 100 experimental research testing facilities and laboratories, including large wind tunnels and engine test cells, which in combination create a varied and complex noise environment. Much of the equipment was manufactured prior to the enactment of ...
此外,Glenn 9×15- Foot Atmospheric Propulsion风洞的剩余 大雷诺数 常压 特殊测试 大型,大雷诺数 中型,大雷诺数 小型,大雷诺数 超大型,常压 大型,常压 中型,常压 小型,常压 推进集成,含气流 模拟 舱载/分级分离 运动/颤振模拟 半模测试 地面效应测试 旋翼机测试 远场声学 近场声学 尾旋 小紊流 结冰 100%...
SUPERSONIC WIND TUNNELSHIGH VOLTAGESDuring a two-month period, NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio experienced two failures of high voltage cables associated with its 10 x 10 supersonic wind tunnel (SWT) and a ground problem from the local utility. This paper addresses these problems ...
Wind tunnelsData acquisitionSteady stateHot-wire anemometersMach numberStatic pressureA major modification of the refrigeration plant and heat exchanger at the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) occurred in autumn of 2011. It is standard practice at NASA Glenn to perform a full aero-thermal ...