简介:GIS开发:分享NASA火灾地图(FIRMS Fire Map) NASA提供了一个全球的在线火灾地图数据共享,网址如下: https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#z:11;c:118.5,39.9;t:adv-points;d:2019-06-20..2019-06-21;l:firms_viirs,firms_modis_a,firms_modis_t 通过卫星拍摄地球表面,显示出火灾地图的数据,查...
https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#z:11;c:118.5,39.9;t:adv-points;d:2019-06-20..2019-06-21;l:firms_viirs,firms_modis_a,firms_modis_t 通过卫星拍摄地球表面,显示出火灾地图的数据,查看当天、24小时等时段的火灾点,在地图上进行显示,还有几种不同的监测方式。 数据提供了...
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD)Extindeți tabelul Contact ...
Accordingly, this is a quick project to map the progess of theThomas Fire, using data from NASA's MODIS and VIIRS satellites. Color shows the progression of the fire, going from red to yellow. In dark red, I show all of the previous fires from the past decade or so. You can see ...
Using NASA Satellite Observations to Map Wildfire Risk in the United States for Allocation of Fire Management ResourcesA. FarahmandJ. ReagerA. BehrangiE. N. StavrosJ. Randerson
Canada's government minister responsible for space, François-Philippe Champagne, hailed the 60 year partnership of NASA + CSA and Canada's contribution of the CanadArm3 for the Gateway station around the moon: "We're going to the moon!" he cheered. ...
and number of fires suggest that these fires were deliberately set to manage land. Farmers often use fire to return nutrients to the soil and to clear the ground of unwanted plants. While fire helps enhance crops and grasses for pasture, the fires also produce smoke that degrades air quality...
ABoVE: Characterization of Carbon Dynamics in Burned Forest Plots, NWT, Canada, 2014 简介 文件修订日期:2019-04-12 数据集版本: 1 摘要 该数据集提供了加拿大西北地区(NWT)2014 年被野火烧毁的北方森林的实地数据。在 2015 年的实地考察中,共建立了 211 个烧毁地块。从这些地块中选出了 32 块以黑云杉为...
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