NASA航天员首次乘坐由商业公司建造和运营的载人飞船,从美国本土发射到空间站,本肯和赫尔利乘坐猎鹰9号火箭搭载的SpaceX载人龙飞船升空,执行NASA的SpaceX Demo-2任务,这是一次成功的64天测试飞行,为NASA认证商业航天系统铺平了道路。 NASA的SpaceX Crew-1任务将霍普金斯,格洛弗和沃克以及日本航天局(JAXA)航天员野口聪...
詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope)完成了一系列严格的环境测试,包括综合系统测试,地面部分测试以及最终的声学和正弦振动测试。2020年是哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)在轨运行30周年,并在2020年继续取得突破性发现,例如系外行星“北落师门b”(Fomalhaut b)的消失,以及迄今为止关于一个...
Find out everything there is to know about NASA and stay updated on the latest space and NASA news with the comprehensive articles, interactive features and NASA pictures at Learn more about space and astronauts as NASA's amazing discoveries are reported....
be a space nerd. It is all so fascinating, mysterious and beautiful. Whenever I do a space unit with students, I find that I have many kindred spirits. Space seems to have that effect on all kids. Recently I learned about a new 3D interactive solar system that NASA has introduced thanks...
As NASA sets its eyes on the Moon and beyond to begin a new chapter in human space exploration, the agency is working to develop more autonomous spacecraft using commercial off-the-shelf computer systems that will be better able to withstand the detrimental effects of space radiation, which ...
月球和行星研究所(Lunar and Planetary Institute)/大学空间研究协会(Universities Space Research Association)主任路易丝·普罗克特(Louise Prockter)表示:“海卫一一直是太阳系中最令人兴奋且耐人寻味的天体之一。”她将作为首席研究员领导新提议的“三叉戟”任务,位于南加州的NASA喷气推进实验室将负责管理此任务。路易...
The second module isEyes on the Solar System. It extends the first module to the entire Solar System that we live in. It includes things about the Earth too, but mostly the things that have got to do something with outer space. Every planet in our Solar System, all their satellites, an...
DigitalSpace Corporation Eyes on the Solar SystemNASA/JPL-Caltech Berry, DanaNASA/Kepler Mission Carbajal, MichaelNASA Headquarters Conti, Carlo Ellison, DougNASA JPL Garcia, Christopher M.NASA/JPL-Caltech Kumanchik, BrianNASA/JPL-Caltech brings you the latest news, images and videos from America's space agency, pioneering the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.
其实,那是我们打开方式有误,接下来,我们会看到NASA的另一种画风~~~ 相比称其为一个政府组织,NASA反而更像是一个“网红”,活跃在社交媒体和时尚圈。 这只家喻户晓的小猎犬,为美国太空事业做…