“Eyes on Asteroids”工具 的开发得到了NASA行星防御协调办公室和JPL的近地天体研究中心的支持。“Eyes”从JPL的太阳系动力学数据库中收集数据,该数据库为我们太阳系中大多数已知的自然天体(包括近地天体)的轨道、特征和发现提供实时数据。 (举报)
Eyes on Asteroids visualizes close approaches, such as asteroid Apophis’ future encounter with Earth. Simply query “Apophis” in the app’s search function and fast forward to April 13, 2029, to see how near the asteroid will get to our planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech “We want...
Through a new 3D real-time visualization tool, you can now explore the asteroids and comets that approach Earth’s orbital neighborhood – and the spacecraft that visit these objects – with a click or a swipe. NASA’s Eyes on Asteroids brings this data to any smartphone, tablet,...
Asteroid, if I forget you: How big is the asteroid set to pass Earth? Asteroid 2024 JR17 is estimated to be as wide as 140 meters by NASA JPL, but the Eyes on Asteroids tool narrowed it down to 85 meters, but that still puts it near 100 meters or so. That's a lot of metric ...
According to estimates fromNASA's Eyes on Asteroidstool, asteroid 2024 BT3 is approximately 14.8 meters in diameter. Advertisement Now, for a very timely comparison, let's compare it to one of the most successful and influential figures in music today, the one and only Taylor Swift. Yes, rea...
"Experience gained via human expeditions to the small returned NEA would transfer directly to follow-on international expeditions beyond the Earth-moon system: to other near-Earth asteroids, [the Mars moons] Phobos and Deimos, Mars and potentially someday to the main asteroid belt," the mission ...
https://eyes.nasa.gov/apps/asteroids/#/asteroids Eyes on Asteroids 是完全互动的网站,它使用科学数据帮助可视化小行星和彗星绕太阳运行的轨道。放大以与最喜欢的航天器一起旅行,以美丽的 3D 方式探索这些迷人的近地天体。 虽然地球附近的任何小行星都会因我们星球的引力而发生轨迹变化,但 2023 BU 将非常接近以致...
NASA is zeroing in on Venus and asteroids as potential targets for its next low-cost robotic exploration mission or missions, which will launch by the end of 2021. The space agency has chosen five finalists for the next launch opportunity in its Discovery Program, which funds highly focused mi...
Therisk of a catastrophic asteroid impact on Earthis remote but real, NASA scientists have said. NASA has found about 40% of the large asteroids as wide as 500 feet (140 meters) that could pose a threat to the Earth and regularly scans the sky for more. NASA is also developing a new...
Eyes on the Solar System lets you explore the planets, their moons, asteroids, comets and the spacecraft exploring them from 1950 to 2050. Ride with the Curiosity Rover as it lands on Mars or fly by Pluto with the New Horizons spacecraft all from the comfort of your home computer. This...