Explore the universe and discover our home planet. ——NASA (本文所有照片来自instagram:@nasa) 我们总以为眼前就是世界,其实世界大得多,宇宙中的地球,也不过是一颗处在黑暗里的行星。古时的中国以为世界是“天圆地方”,后来我们才发现地球是圆的。而为探索世界作出巨大贡献的,就是美国国家航空航天局(Nat...
最近,汪仔被NASA的Instagram账号圈粉了!作为一个致力于探索宇宙之美(explore the universe)的官方科普号,NASA发布的照片都是通过天文望远镜、空间站拍摄的,每一幅图片都会让大家感觉到我们地球所处的浩瀚宇宙的神秘和深邃。除此之外,NASA每幅图下面的配文也是一绝!唯美的星河图配上浪漫的“情话”,让人仿佛灵...
Hubble Space Telescope: The observatory (funded by both NASA and the European Space Agency) launched in 1990 to explore the universe in optical and infrared light. Its flawed mirror caused the first space shuttle repair mission in 1993, and four other servicing missions followed through 2009. Hub...
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Explore the Universe from your Inbox Stay up-to-date on the latest news from NASA–from Earth to the Moon, the Solar System and beyond. We will never share your email address. Privacy Policy Sign Up More Topics from NASA Missions
Tonight 50 years ago it was the night before Apollo 11 launched. The rocket is illuminated on the launch pad and the astronauts are headed to bed. Wake up tomorrow […] Read More Posted onJanuary 31, 2018 space Gale Crater Panorama I have been speaking to groups about Mars Curiosity and...
NASA的目标是“理解并保护我们赖以生存的行星;探索宇宙,找到地球外的生命;启示我们的下一代去探索宇宙(To understand and protect our home planet,To explore the Universe and search for life,To inspire the next generation of explorers)”。 时至今日,NASA有近两万名员工,分别从事着航空航天探索与开发、空间...
Some experts say NASA may be trying to explore the universe the wrong way.Borenstein, Seth
for signs of ancient microbial life, which will advance the agency’s quest to explore the past...
NASA的目标是“理解并保护我们赖以生存的行星;探索宇宙,找到地球外的生命;启示我们的下一代去探索宇宙(To understand and protect our home planet,To explore the Universe and search for life,To inspire the next generation of explorers[1])”。 NASA被广泛认为是世界范围内太空机构的领头羊...