NASA's latest discovery on Mars may just be the cutest one yet. Last week, the operator of one of the space agency's satellites shared a December photo of the red planet's mysterious surface with a unique formation that resembles the face of a teddy bear. NASA captured a satellite ... [2] What to Expect When InSight Lands on Mars...
Mars Mystery: Did NASA discover life on Mars?Reviewed by Nutricula on Nov 21Rating: Από το J. Nicholas Hoover InformationWeek Results of soil sample analysis by NASA’s Curiosity rover may have yielded a significant scientific discovery on Mars, possibly of organic compounds, but until ...
NASA’s Mars detector (探测器), Opportunity, succeeded in finding signs that water once existed on the planet. Opportunity landed on Mars in January. Scientists now believe that the planet could once have supported life. This discovery was chosen by Science, one of the world’s leading magazin...
While exploring a crater on Mars that may give scientists insights into life that potentially once existed there, NASA said its Perseverance rover made an unprecedented discovery. The rover, which landed on the Red Planet in 2021 specifically to probe the ancient Jezero cr...
This discovery could bolster the idea that Mars' early crust was way more complex than once thought — and perhaps similar to Earth's original crust. Understanding the ancient Martian crust also could help unlock secrets about the evolution of Earth and how life emerged here. ...
NASA's six-wheeled robot rumbled to Gediz Vallis Ridge on Mount Sharp, a mountain the rover has slowly climbed since 2014. The ridge is evidence from some 3 billion years ago, when Mars was a wet world, replete with lakes and roaring rivers. Back then, colossal debris flows hurled mud ...
Perseverance’s recent journey onMarshas led to the discovery of a striking black-and-white striped rock named ‘Freya Castle’, generating buzz among scientists and online communities alike. As the rover ascends the steep slopes of the crater rim, it continues to uncover diverse geological format...
The discovery of the sounds comes after the SEIS made history in April, when it confirmed the existence of marsquakes. David Grossman David Grossman is a staff writer for He's previously written for The Verge, Rolling Stone, The New Republic and several other publications...
— flows on mars today, not just long ago. like the new discovery of subglacial volcanic eruptions far away from the current ice sheets, this find hinged on analysis of minerals, which often leave striations in the surface and help to date the movement of mars’ water over time....