NASA Discovers New Earth-Like Planet.It's a "bigger, older cousin to Earth"
"In my mind, this is the closest thing we have to another planet like the Earth," astronomer Jon Jenkins, with the US space agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, told reporters on a conference call. The planet, dubbed Kepler-452b, orbits a star that is about 6 bi...
The deep-space telescope caught itsfirst direct imageof another alien world. The planet is roughly 385light-yearsfromEarthand looks like a splotch beside the store HIP 65426. Webb saw the exoplanet using its Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and theMid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), which each look...
NASA discovers new Earth-sized planet in a habitable zone NASA had previously discovered three other planets in the same system, one of which was also in the habitable zone. January 11, 2023 Additional Live Streams Additional Live Streams ...
NASA says the discovery increases the chance of finding at least one other planet like Earth that might support life. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)在太阳系外又发现了近1300个新行星。这些外部行星是通过开普勒太空望远镜被发现的。NASA说此发现增加了我们在宇宙中找到至少一个像地球一样可能支持生命的宜居星球的...
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Five Exoplanets NASA's Kepler space telescope, designed to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, has discovered its first five new exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system. Kepler's high sensitivity to both small and large...
Another clue about the planet’s formation could be what’s inside it. Through computer models they determined that the new planet may have as much as 105 Earth masses worth of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. “That’s a lot,” says Dalba. “That’s more than what we suspect...
It discovers new worlds, studies Earth, Mars and all the other things in the space. But not many people outside NASA understand the science of space travel. But the inventions that made space travel possible are used every day in the modem world. One example is clothing. Astronauts’ boots...
You may like Discovery! Kepler Space Telescope Discovers 95 More Alien Planets Alien Planet Hunt's Next Big Step: Finding Another Earth Kepler launched in March 2009 on a mission to find Earth-size planets in their parent stars' habitable zone — that just-right range of distances that ...