The publication serves as a summary of the Hubble’scontributionsto our understanding of these phenomena, gathered through decades of observations and cooperative projects with other telescopes both in space and on the ground. This is the fifth installment in the Hubble Focus series, each edition de...
Under the theme “Discovering Careers in the Earth Sciences,” this year’s Earth Science Week will focus on this very topic: the story of the Earth Explorers who contribute to our understanding of the planet. As a leader in Earth science research and applications, NASA plays a key role in...
Moreover, NASA's research efforts have significantly contributed to our understanding of Earth itself. Satellites and instruments developed by NASA have enabled scientists to monitor climate change, track weather patterns, and study natural disasters with unparalleled precision. By collecting data from spa...
the mission has made fundamental contributions to understanding the history of the Martian atmosphere ...
Training for the mission will take approximately 18 months, according to NASA. Ascent training will include "prelaunch operations around the launch pad, and give the crew a deep understanding of major milestones leading up to and during launch, as well as the first few hours in orbit." Prepari...
These missions, and the distributed observatory they create in combination, are significant assets allowing our scientific community to achieve major leaps in understanding and predicting the space environment. Looking to the future, a community-based roadmap for the Heliophysics Division has recently ...
The rover's mission includes multiple stops at various science stations, chosen for their potential to contribute to understanding the moon's water distribution and the evolution of lunar volatiles. Once on the moon, SHERPA's role will extend from pre-mission route planning to real-time adjustment...
Mark Carreau Mark is based in Houston, where he has written on aerospace for more than 25 years. While at the Houston Chronicle, he was recognized by the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Foundation in 2006 for his professional contributions to the public understanding of America's spa...
NASA’s atmosphere-sniffingMars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution(MAVEN) mission launched in November 2013 and began orbiting Mars roughly a year later. Since that time, the mission has made fundamental contributions to understanding the history of the Martian atmosphere and climate. ...
Congratulation to Prof James Maynard, who was awarded a Fields medal this year for his "spectacular contributions" to analytic number theory, "which have led to major advances in the understanding of the structure of prime numbers and in Diophantine approximation". ...