Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects, like combing through images to search for new brown dwarfs and planets, using satellite data to help biologists track penguin populations, and training a computer to think like a scientist for future Mars missions....
Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects, like combing through images to search for new brown dwarfs and planets, using satellite data to help biologists track penguin populations, and training a computer to think like a scientist for future Mars missions...
Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects, like combing through images to search for new browndwarfs3and planets, using satellite data to help biologists trackpenguin4populations, and training a computer to think like a scientist for futureMars5missions. Unt...
Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects, like combing through images to search for new brown dwarfs and planets, using satellite data to help biologists track penguin populations, and training a computer to think like a scientist for future Mars missions...
Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects, like combing through images to search for new brown dwarfs and planets, using satellite data to help biologists track penguin populations, and training a computer to think like a scientist for future Mars missions...
NASA wants the amateur astronomer community to join in a"citizen scientist" program. Jennifer Heldmann heads the LCROSSobserving campaign. "We would like to have as many eyes and instrumentswatching the impact as possible because this is the way we'll get the most dataand the most information...
everyone on the planet, the most detailed satellite-based maps of global land cover are still on the order of hundreds of meters per pixel. That means that a park in a city may be too small to show up on the global map," says Peder Nelson, a land cover scientist at Oregon State ...
Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects, like combing through images to search for new brown dwarfs and planets, using satellite data to help biologists track penguin populations, and training a computer to think like a scientist for future Mars missions...
When he’s not pursuing his planet-hunting hobby, Jacobs, the citizen scientist, works with nonprofits that help people with disabilities find employment in their communities. The Visual Survey Group members “devote many hours each day surveying the data out of pure joy and interest in furtherin...
"Kepler's high quality data and round-the-clock coverage of transiting objects enable a whole host of unique measurements to be made of the parent stars and their planetary systems," said Doug Hudgins, the Kepler program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Scientists refined the estimat...