NASA的锂电池数据集,适合做健康管理与故障预测。Battery Data Set(电池数据集)Description: Experiments on Li-Ion batteries. Charging and discharging at different temperatures. Records the impedance as the damage criterion. The data set was provided by the
数据下载可以参考本人NASA数据有 python代码的下载数案例 DOI concept-id provider-id s3-links bbox-crs bbox horizontal_res start time endtime Creator Publisher ReleaseDate ReleasePlace Version Linkage ABI_G16-STAR-L2P-v2.70 GHRSST NOAA/STAR GOES-16 ABI L2P America Region SST v2.70 dataset in ...
2)沿 NASA 北极-北方脆弱性实验 (ABoVE) 基本飞行线路大于 40 平方米的高分辨率(1 米)水体分布图。 掩膜和地图由飞行期间收集的单个图像生成的地理参照三波段正射影像图和基于归一化差异水指数(NDWI)的半自动水体分类算法得出。 利用人工选择的地面控制点(GCPs)对图像瓦片进行了地理坐标参考。与人工数字化的开放水...
本数据集提供了 2017 年 4 月至 11 月北极碳飞机剖面(Arctic-CAP)月度采样活动期间阿拉斯加和加拿大育空及西北地区上空大气一氧化碳 (CO)、二氧化碳 (CO2)、甲烷 (CH4) 和水蒸气浓度的原位机载测量值,以及气温、气压、相对湿度和风速值。观测数据以 10 秒为间隔取平均值,并报告样本数(N)和标准偏差。在这六次...
By initiating a quantum state where amplitudes, that give away the probability density of the quantum state vectors can be related to the feature vectors in our dataset used for training the model. So anyone who has had an idea on how to run a standard regression model would comprehend how ...
Battery_Uniform_Distribution_Charge_Discharge_DataSet_2Post 百度网盘下载链接: 提取码:de1d 2.数据读取与分析 下载的数据有两个版本,Matlab版本和R语言版,下载的数据文件自带了python和R语言分析处理的程序。自带的m文件,MatlabSamplePlots.m为matlab版的读取例程...
However, their initial reports included measurements of low battery voltages, and we later found that drs2 was lying in a patch of snow. We infer that, although the temperature of the Raspberry Pis was successfully managed in space for 40 days (see Section 2.3), the adjacent batteries, which...