Reply Butterkeks Reply to Liv 6 years ago Nope, the earth is donut shaped, a torroid. hence flattened slightly at polar regions, which likely have a vortices. Stop with you concave stuf...
NASA has some RS-25 engines left over from the Shuttle, but it needs more for future SLS missions.Credit: NASA As it currently stands, Artemis II is on the books for late 2024, and the Artemis III moon landing follows in 2025. However, the GAO projects that Artemis II will launch no...
Hollywood restores moon landing video ; NASA admits tapes of 1969 historic event were taped over, but film studio comes to rescue.
Boeing was contracted to develop a powerful new upper stage for NASA's Space Launch System, the gigantic rocket the agency is using to get to the Moon. The configuration, known as Block 1B, is meant to make its debut during NASA's Artemis IV mission, the second planned lunar landing, ...
Related Topics: China Moon Landing NASA Space The side that faces away from Earth is pockmarked with lots of craters of different sizes and has a thicker, older crust, according to NASA. Once Chang'e-6 has collected all its samples, it will attempt to lif...
《路透社》也发布了一篇名为《Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits》的报道,报道称,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)公开承认1969年载人登月的所有原始视频资料在2006年就全部遗失:“NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the July 20, 1969, landing.” ...
On one hand, Elam admits this landing will be different from what he expected to experience when he joined the PIXL team more than eight years ago. “It’s very disappointing not to be together with them for the landing — and, you know, to celebrate — but also to work together in ...
SEE RENDERINGS OF SPACE STATION TO BE BUILT AROUND THE MOON A successful launch and landing of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner would likely have paved the way for the spacecraft to become the second certified vehicle for transporting crews and supplies to the ISS. ...
compelling questions about the universe— and NASA's push to bring humans back to the moon could cut the prices enough to make this science a reality. Even a scientist leading the push for NASA to investigate these missions admits it wasn't the most intuitive idea when he first heard about...
So is there any platform preference? Yembrick insists they each have their own function, but admits that Twitter holds a special place in NASA’s heart (it remains the most active and popular federal agency on Twitter). “We started off in Twitter. It started a community for us.” ...