另外也同样使用CX文件管理器浏览文件,这软件除了上传文件稍微麻烦外简直神器,比威联通的自家Qfile好用太多了。另外我也用WIN11做系统,因为始终感觉专门的WIN服务器系统不得劲,有些软件不能兼容。 zhaowenmian 20Mbps 7 我曾使用win server 2019使用过一段时间后来转黑群晖~直接在物理机上安装并非虚拟机~win当nas...
我们在Windows系统上安装了Drive,进行查看。这是将Windows电脑上的一个文件夹与NAS中的一个文件夹保持同步,所有的数据可以实时更新,在一个局域网内的所有用户都可以安装这个Drive应用进行同步,相当于把NAS上的一个文件夹作为公共区域,所有在局域网内的用户都可以进行使用。威联通则是有Qsync Central应用,这个应用是让...
系统你可以用黑群晖,也可以直接用Windows,U-NASOS, FreeNAS。
P.S The current server is also used as a Plex Media Server, FTP server, DNS server andHyper-V host. I also had a webserver running and I might re-enable it. Well, the only thing that does all this is Windows server. If your just after virtualization use what your most comfortable ...
sendfile on; keepalive_timeout65; gzip on; server {listen80; server_name localhost; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive; ...
Atjauninājumi, kas izlaisti 2023. gada 14. martā un 2023. gada 12. septembrī, nodrošinās papildu opcijas ietekmētajiem klientiem sistēmā Windows Server 2012 R2 un visos atbalstītajos klientos. Papildinformāciju skatiet2022. gada 11. oktobra darbī...
Another free NAS software for Linux,Turnkey File Server, is one of our top picks for private use. It sports a user-friendly interface and a web-based manager that virtually anyone can master. Turnkey File Server is based on WebDAV CGI and Samba and combines the functionality of Windows-com...
DataOn Storage.The vendor certified its scale-out file server to enable tunable, shared clustered storage to Windows Server 2019. Dell EMC.PowerScale -- replacing EMC Isilon -- is a scale-out NAS that provides the flexibility of a software-defined architecture with accelerated hardware. ...
In fact, with the Active Directory integration mentioned above, you can have a Windows Server-based advanced network without a separate server. Snapshot and Replication: The ultimate ransomware protection Available in all server that supports the new Btrfs file system—most Synology server released ...
nas运行sql servernas运行ftp 服务器 目录 一、安装并启动ftp服务端程序vsftpd二、客户端测试连接ftp三、增加安全性配置1、专门新建一个Ubuntu用户专门用于客户端ftp访问2、为新建的用户设置密码3、设置ftp目录用户权限(可选)4、配置vsftpd.conf文件限制匿名用户访问5、新建/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list文件四、正式开始用客...