Modern NAS has a cloud option that allows the user to access the data saved on it via the Internet and we can consider it as a private/personal cloud. However, its performance and storage capacity of it could not compete with the cloud services that are using powerful servers and data cen...
(2017). Comparative study of network attached storage (NAS) and direct attached storage (DAS). In Data Storage (pp. 135-142). Springer, Cham.[2] Wang, H., Li, Y., & Jiang, Z. (2018). Cloud storage vs. traditional storage: A performance and cost perspective. Journal of Computer Sc...
it ново Storageorty establishmentхеböllδ .”STORAGE ‘08[C].2008:205-214.[2] Bertsch, D., & Pattnaik, A. (2017). Comparative analysis of cloud storage architectures for scientific data management: NAS vs. object storage. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 29(6...
例如,Cohesity SmartFiles支持各种Amazon服务,包括S3、GovCloud、Snowball、EFS、FSxfor Windows FileServer和Amazon FSxfor NetApp ONTAP。另一个例子是,NetApp ONTAP9等NetApp平台支持Google Cloud Storage。 必须根据存储容量、外形尺寸(塔式或机架式)、网络和I/O性能、弹性特性和可扩展性等因素的要求仔细选择存储系统。
而 NAS 则是网络附加存储(Network Attached Storage)的缩写,它是一种本地存储的解决方案,可以将多个...
Differences between NAS, OSS, and EBS,File Storage NAS:This topic describes the differences between the following Alibaba Cloud storage services: File Storage NAS (NAS), Object Storage Service (OSS), and Elastic Block Storage (EBS). This topic also intro
CreateMountTarget,File Storage NAS:Creates a mount target. You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically genera...
NAS是Network-Attached Storage的缩写。简而言之,它是一种通过网络实现存储目的的设备。 SAN和NAS长得很像,连字母都是一样的,SAN(Storage Area Network)是存储区域网络。 另一个DAS(Direct-Attached Storage),即开放系统直连存储。 这三个存储术语非常相似,但表达的存储状态不同。下面,我们就从三者间最大的区别入...
一、直连附加存储(DAS) 定义 DAS 指Direct Attached Storage,即直连附加存储,可以理解为本地文件系统。...二、网络附加存储(NAS) 定义 NAS指Network Area Storage,即网络附加存储。它一般是将本地的存储空间共享给其他主机使用,一般通过C/S架构实现通信。...网络文件系统,以文件模块的形式进行共享,工作在应用层上...
NAS是网络附加存储(Network Attached Storage)的缩写,是指一种专门用于存储和共享数据的设备。NAS设备...