TerraMaster is a professional brand that provides High-Performance data storage solutions - NAS, DAS, RAID storage, and more online in more than 40 countries.
RAID 模式 请参阅下表以获取可用于 NAS 操作系统设备的 RAID 模式的概述。请注意性能和保护级别将因卷中的硬盘数而异。NAS 操作系统新建网络卷向导包括一个有帮助的提示信息以及基于卷中磁盘数量的性能和保护星级评定。 RAID 模式最低硬盘数 SimplyRAID 1(没有数据保护)或者 2(有数据保护) JBOD 1 RAID 0 2 ...
NAS(Network Attached Storage)翻译过来就是网络附加存储设备,和传统的云盘相比,最大的优势就是私密性更强、存储空间大且不限速。 NAS不仅能够轻松备份照片、视频、文档,还支持多设备实时同步。 相比公有云服务,NAS没有流量限制,且数据全权掌控在自己手中,隐私更有保障,特别适合拥有大量数据存储需求的用户。 为了给大...
Box、Yandex Disk、Amazon Cloud Drive、Amazon S3、Amazon Glacier、Azure Storage、Google Cloud Storage,以及与 S3、OpenStack Swift、WebDAV 兼容等 32 种云端存储服务,这让它兼具私有云及公有云优点,提供用户更弹性的混合云存储应用体验,并支持 TCP BBR 壅塞控制算法,翻倍外网传输速度,开创更完备的备份策略。
这个答案就很明显,那就是 NAS,我现在使用的是绿联DXP4800 私有云,可能有同学听过这个名字,但还是不清楚,这里稍微做一下解释。私有云就是你的「私人数字仓库」,而NAS(Network Attached Storage)则是实现它的硬件设备。不同于某度网盘把数据存在别人服务器上,私有云的数据完全由你掌控——所有照片、视频、...
ASUSTOR NAS provides RAID storage technology which provides backup for all of the content you have stored, keeping it safe and sound. Within ADM, ASUSTOR also provides a range of comprehensive backup solutions allowing you to backup your NAS data to other devices or to public cloud storage. ...
如果TNAS PC桌面客户端搜索不到TNAS设备,设备将无法开始初始化,也无法使用。以下是TNAS PC 桌面客户端搜索不到TNAS的常见原因及对策:... 新购入的TNAS可以马上使用吗? 不可以!新购入的TNAS在完成初始化前是不可以使用的。初始化包括以下内容: ... 第一次入手TNAS,该如何初始化TNAS设备? 新购买的T...
File services, such as file storage, sharing, and retrieval, can be performed by NAS devices rather than general-purpose servers, improving overall performance. NAS provides optimized disk utilization and high data security through various RAID modes and user authentication and authorization mechanisms....
ASUSTOR Storage with Adobe Creative Cloud ASUSTOR is an official Adobe Partner for video and audio solutions » Smallest Enterprise Intel 10-Gigabit NAS. All new front panel design.Dual 10 and 2.5 Gigabit ports. Faster than ever. The all new Lockerstor series of NAS feature dual Intel ...
OceanStor Dorado NAS All-Flash Storage Systems Data Sheet Learn More You may be Interested What are the Differences Between NAS and SAN Storage? Discover what are the differences between NAS (Network Attached Storage) and SAN (Storage Area Network), and learn how to choose the best one for...