2 附加收获:Raspberry Pi “HURRiCANE!”冷却系统 大量的能耗会产生大量的热量。Raspberry Pi 4无法避免温度高达176度的过热问题,而这种过热问题会导致CPU的频率低至600MHz。您大可以将四个Raspberry Pi的集群设备放置到您的桌面上,但是如果没有冷却装置,您就只能浏览文本形式的网页,以及用vi来阅读电子书了。 有两种...
That said, a Raspberry Pi-based NAS server is unfit for large projects due to its lack of SATA connectivity and limited support for RAID configurations. If you’re looking for a powerful device to manage all your professional workloads, you should instead purchase ahigh-end NAS enclosureorconve...
打开Raspberry Pi上的syncthing的管理页面,点击显示设备ID,会出现一个二维码;然后在手机上用相机扫一下二维码,将得到的ID复制下来;然后在安卓syncthing上点击添加设备,将复制下来的ID粘贴进去,就能方便的设置成功。 然后你就可以在安卓上设置需要同步的文件夹推送给Raspberry Pi,或者接收Raspberry Pi要推送给安卓的文件夹。
在对话框窗口中,输入Raspberry Pi的IP地址和配置的共享名称“INTERNAL”,如下所示。 注意:请确保将192.168.17.73替换为您自己的IP地址并启用两个刻度。现在输入用户名“pi”和我们之前使用smbpasswd命令设置的密码。 之后,我们与Raspberry Pi连接,我们可以保存和共享我们的文件。 为了确保一切正常,我们可以创建一个目录...
Building a Raspberry Pi NAS with Samba For the first solution, we will be using a software called Samba to build a NAS with Raspberry Pi. Samba is a re-implementation of the SMB (Server Message Block) networking protocol that allows Linux computers to be seamlessly integrated into active d...
In this tutorial we build a NAS Samba DLNA RAID server on RaspberryPi 3 Model B. The setup is headless, meaning we access the RaspberryPi only via remote SSH controls. No keyboard, mouse or display are required to be connected to the Pi. We use two external USB HDDs to provide sufficie...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server 然后,需要告诉 NFS 服务器公开/nas/data目录,这是从树莓派外部可以访问的唯一设备(另一个用于备份)。编辑/etc/exports添加如下内容以允许所有可以访问 NAS 云盘的设备挂载存储: /nas/data *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check) ...
想把Raspberry Pi 4做NAS的话,可以关注下这个酷炫的Argon EON机壳 Raspberry Pi在Geek、Maker的手中有很多玩法,而NAS是相对流行的一种,特别是第4代配备了性能还不错的ARM架构CPU,并提供最大8GB内存,用来做NAS也确实挺适合的,不过Raspberry Pi就一块PCB板模样,放在家里显得太硬核了,所以就需要加个机壳(...
refer to:https://www.freehao123.com/raspberry-pi-nas/ 手里有一个树莓派Raspberry Pi 2,正好还有一个空闲的移动硬盘,寻思着把这树莓派Raspberry Pi 和移动硬盘给利用起来,搭建一个低成本的NAS。正好前段时间折腾着Nextcloud离线下载搭建方法,Aria2安装在树莓派Raspberry Pi 也是一个很简单的事情。
You can set up a decent home file server using a Raspberry Pi There is no doubt that a full-blown NAS is built with the intent of storing and sharing files from the get-go. Also, a NAS will generally give you some data redundancy if you have a system which will take multiple drives...