Episode 322 of Naruto Shippuden features Madara in a terrifying form as he takes down a large part of the Fourth Division by himself. Gaara and Naruto somehow manage to corner him, but Madara activates his Susanoo. Gaara then snatches Madara away from the Susanoo, and Naruto attacks at that...
The popular animated television series debuted in 2002, accompanied by 11 theatrical films that expanded the Naruto universe.While the Naruto and Shippuden anime series offer a comprehensive narrative, the films can be categorized into two types: filler films and story-significant films.Filler films,...
Narutodelivers some of the best moments in the entire anime genre throughout its acclaimed television run of over two hundred episodes, and the beloved series remains a pillar of influence among the many series that have succeeded it. The popularity of theNarutofranchise's inaugural installation ha...
Yes, this game basically recounts the first 75 to 80 episodes of the hit anime television show Naruto. Though it basically just focuses in on Naruto's part in these shows as other character fights are basically ignored or maybe shown during the cut scenes which basically features excerpts from...
The official site for the Pokemon XY television series declared on Monday that the formerly scheduled episode for Thursday, April 24, “Kaitei no Shiro! (Fortress! Skrelp and Dragalge!!), continues to be delayed forever “due to conditions.” ...
The next day, Hinata watched Konoha citizens protesting in front of the Kaminarimon Company over the television. On the night of Boruto's birthday, Hinata gets a phone call about Naruto. While Boruto angrily went upstairs to his room, Sarada goes upstairs to confront him while Hinata stays ...
Naruto Shippuden ’s run on Toonami and US television reached its conclusion this year. Now, you might be asking, "Wait, wasn’t this a show that started airing in Japan in 2007? How did it take nearly 20 years for it to air in its entirety in America?" Well, it’s quite the lon...
Yes, this game basically recounts the first 75 to 80 episodes of the hit anime television show Naruto. Though it basically just focuses in on Naruto's part in these shows as other character fights are basically ignored or maybe shown during the cut scenes which basically features excerpts from...
Naruto Shippuden ’s run on Toonami and US television reached its conclusion this year. Now, you might be asking, "Wait, wasn’t this a show that started airing in Japan in 2007? How did it take nearly 20 years for it to air in its entirety in America?" Well, it’s quite the lon...