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Male+ Height 28 cm (0.28 m, 0.919 ft, 11.024 in)+,29.1 cm (0.291 m, 0.955 ft, 11.457 in)+and127.2 cm (1.272 m, 4.173 ft, 50.079 in)+ Kanji name 赤丸+ Loyalty Konohagakure+andAllied Shinobi Forces+ Manga Naruto+ Name Akamaru+ ...
Go in "Package Mode" and add "Naruto six paths mode v8.tpf". Click on "Run"- If you want to edit my modDownload the rar file "texturesv8". To create texture pack you have to change in Texmod.log "path" by the correct path of textures. VORTEX...