Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles comes to the PS2 with all sorts of ninja-esque fun. Oct 25, 2006 3:22pm Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles Gameplay Movie 1 Get the feel for some ninja magic in this clip from Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles. Oct 25, 2006 3:21pm Where to buy Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles...
PS2 Follow 6.2 FairCheck out the review Metacritic 62 VERY Disapointing. User Rating:6.5| Naruto: Uzumaki ChroniclesPS2 ByKnux58| Review Date:January 5, 2007 This game was what I thought was going to be one of the few good Naruto games. And yes, I am a fan of Naruto. All those 10...
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja (JP sales)(PS2) Updates Summary Reviews Screens FAQs Cheats Extras Forum Sales Summary Experience the world of Naruto as you never have before. Join Naruto and his friends on their Ninja Academy quests as they battle the best in the land. Perfect your ninja skills to ...
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naruto shippuden senki ultimate ninja the storm 4 gamenaruto shippuden senki ultimate ninja super storm 4 gamenaruto shippuden games ultimate ninja the impactnaruto shippuden senki ultimate ninja the blazingninja naruto shipuden game for Android PPSSPP and PS2naruto Ninja senki overcrazynaruto the senki...
More Naruto Games 关于这款游戏 NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM allows players to battle in full 3D across massive environments. Players will unleash powerful jutsu attacks, perform acrobatic evasive maneuvers and even run up walls and over water as they pursue their opponent for ninja supremacy. Player...
This is a VERY GOOD online game! It has interesting mechanics and is very fun to spend some hours playing with your friends. The possibility to create your own ninja and build the powers is what makes this game so different from other Naruto games in my opinion. ...
long cutscenes, TERRIBLE GRAPHICS. That's what really gets on my nerves for me. You may say the developers did that just so the PS2 can handle 2 players at once on the game. But, I find that to be a terrible excuse. 'Cause who the heck sacrifices good graphics just for 2-player ...
分享6411 ns吧 Infinº Switch平台FAMI通白金殿堂游戏整理推荐(上)Switch平台FAMI通白金殿堂游戏列表: 《塞尔达传说旷野之息 The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild》 FAMI通评分:40分 《最终幻想12 黄道纪元 Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age》FAMI通评分:40分(PS2) 《超级马力欧 奥德赛 Super Mario...
谁玩过前作 是“神”作不 今日,NAMCO BANDAI Games正式宣布《火影忍者:究极风暴3完全爆发(Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Full Burst)》上市时间,游戏将于2013年10月22日登陆PS3和Xbox 360平台,同时提供实体版和数字版。PC的Steam数字版本也将在今年秋季发售。 而之前,《火影忍者》游戏系列制作人...