Yet, she is ever-worrying for his safety and well-being to the point of easily feeling overwhelming guilt, and values him as one of her closest friends. Sai eventually points out that he believes Naruto knows Sakura too well for his own good, constantly placing himself in personal peril ...
It is the resolve that gives her the strength to forge ahead toward the future." "To bring back life as it was before Sasuke left. And to keep her friends from getting hurt. When she pounded on Tsunade's door, Sakura bid farewell to the young Sakura who could do nothing but cry on...
Sharingan in their first fight, his body wasn't fast enough to react to them. As per his training Lee has worn heavy ankle weights even in fights and became much faster when they're removed, enabling him to become the first person ever to bypass Gaara's Shield of Sand and strike him....
The Paths can be used to react to threats in mere seconds and, because they are corpses, the bodies are unfazed by all but the most debilitating types of damage. In theory, each of the Six Paths of Pain could be used to perform any technique that Nagato himself was capable of. In ...
Regardless, it will be interesting to see how Konohamaru reacts after Eida's spell on him is lifted in a futureBorutochapter. If he feels ashamed or guilty because of how his actions would make Moegi feel then fans can expect that Naruto could experience something similar if he ever falls ...
The two of them had conspired to keep each other a secret. Since a long time ago, the Nine-Tails had never told his siblings that he was friends with Hiroko Hirashima and kept it a secret to this day. The adult Nine-Tails explained that it was their business and that Gyūki should ...
"I just want you to know, bringing them here, was dangerous. Please be more careful; you know among the Shinobi Union/Big Five, Konoha is especially unpopular given what they and their organizations have done to people like your mother, a beloved figure in this village. That it didn't ...
It fits Shikamaru's ironic personality to be the first of his peers to become a chunin. He wants to avoid major responsibilities and having to map out his future, but he's also the first one to prove they're responsible and intelligent enough to handle the pressures of being a chunin an...
Sasuke, however, often reacts to them coolly or with malice. The first one he reacted to by calling her annoying. The second time, he calls her annoying again and then literally crushes her heart with his hand. Later, the show tries to tell fans that Sasuke does love her, but after ...
The boy had ran off to catch up with some friends, leaving Kaede to wave at him as he went. Shugotenshi, 'Guardian Angel', what was she to make of that title? She never made herself higher than any of the medical staff in the hospital, all of which she had a good time talking ...