NARS Makeup FACE FOUNDATION Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30 ImageDetails/USA/finland-pure-radiant-tinted-moisturizer-%E2%80%93-broad-spectrum-spf-30/0607845023111.html Item No. 0607845023111 Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30 ...
NARS | Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30 价格¥349$46.903个月最低价 促销 扫码打开APP 颜色 服务 正品保障活动同步 美国商家 海外运输 海关清关 用户签收 描述 展开WHAT IT IS : A lightweight tinted moisturizer that helps to improve skin's overall condition. ...
FINLAND - Für sehr helle Haut mit gelblichen UntertönenGOTLAND - Für sehr helle bis helle Haut mit pfirsichfarbenen UntertönenNORWICH - Für helle Haut mit gelblichen UntertönenALASKA - Für helle Haut mit goldenen UntertönenGROENLAND - Für helle Haut mit pfirsichfarbenen Unter...
PURE RADIANT TINTED MOISTURIZER FINISH: Radiant, natural COVERAGE: Sheer, buildable BENEFIT: Lightweight tinted moisturizer. Brightens and protects with Vitamin C. What Narsissists are saying View Gallery Recommended for you Pencil Sharpener 107 Ratings now $7.00 , Add to Bag Bestseller So...
NARS | Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30, 1.9-oz. 价格¥375$50.453个月最低价 促销 扫码打开APP 颜色 服务 正品保障活动同步 美国商家 海外运输 海关清关 用户签收 描述 展开具有广谱SPF 30的轻质有色保湿霜,有助于改善皮肤的整体状况。触感柔软光滑,皮肤看起来自然而富有光泽。这种先进...
再说说Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer,这可是我的老朋友了。有时候懒得层层叠叠地化妆,直接用它就行。它的遮瑕力超高,无油配方,SPF30 PA+++的防晒指数也足够,保湿效果也不错。以前我用Terre Neuve,但今年夏天爆痘后留下不少痘印,加上皮肤薄,红血丝明显,所以这次我选了深一度的Finland。它是偏黄色的,正好能...
我觉得它可以和其他腮红叠涂,效果会更好。 Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer有色面霜 🌸 这款有色面霜真的很适合黄白皮,选色号Finland就对了。它不仅可以提亮肤色,还能保湿,一举两得。这些就是我个人的使用心得啦,希望对大家有帮助!如果你也有好用的Nars单品,欢迎在评论区分享哦!0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
Tinted moisturizer with SPF 30 that hydrates and smooths with sheer, buildable coverage and a radiant, natural finish. MORE Variations Skin Tone Undertone Terre Neuve Finland Gotland Norwich Alaska Groenland Mykonos St. Moritz Sydney Cu...
Tinted moisturizer with SPF 30 that hydrates and smooths with sheer, buildable coverage and a radiant, natural finish. MORE Variations Skin Tone Undertone Terre Neuve Finland Gotland Norwich Alaska Groenland Mykonos St. Moritz Sydney Cuzco A...
Tinted moisturizer with SPF 30 that hydrates and smooths with sheer, buildable coverage and a radiant, natural finish. MORE Variations Skin Tone Undertone Terre Neuve Finland Gotland Norwich Alaska Groenland Mykonos St. Moritz Sydney Cuzco Auckland Santiago Marrakesh Havana ...