Narrow band imaging in endometrial lesions. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2009;16:9-10.Surico D, Viqone A and Leo L: Narrow band imaging in endometrial lesions. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 16: 9-10, 2009.Surico D, Vigone A, Leo L. Narrow band imaging in endometrial lesions [ J ]. J ...
Narrow-Band-Imaging-System网络窄频影像系统 网络释义 1. 窄频影像系统 --窄频影像系统(Narrow Band Imaging System) 引言 自 从二个多世纪前,Kussmaul利用金属管观察吞剑士的胃部以来,内视镜 …|基于3个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
NBI(Narrow Band Imaging)窄带成像是一种内窥镜光谱诊断技术,其主要用途包括: 1. 提高病变的对比度和可见度 NBI通过过滤白光,只提供 415nm 和 540nm 两个窄波段的光照,可以增强血管和表面结构的显示对比度,提高病变的识别。 2. 早期癌变的筛查和诊断 NBI可以根据血管形态改变判断病变是否癌变,尤其适用于早期食管癌...
这篇文献的主要内容是关于利用窄带成像技术(Narrow Band Imaging, NBI)和放大内镜技术对正常胃肠道黏膜的显微解剖结构进行的研究。以下是文献的主要内容和要点: 1. 背景与目的: - 随着高清晰度内镜和光学放大技术的发展,内镜医生能够在体内研究胃肠道黏膜的显微解剖结构。 - 通过识别表面微结构和微血管架构的变化,内...
L眦Yun—xi angandXUN i ngKeyw ords:esophageal neopl asm s;endoscopy;tl arrow · band i m agi ngBackgroundthesurvi val rate i s thedi agnosi sand treatm ent at aneady stage.N arrow —band i m agi ng( N BI) canenhance the contrast ofthe m ucous m em brane of theesophagusw i...
With advances in technology,narrowband imaging( NBI) electronic laryngoscopy now enables earlier detection of malignant tumors of the pharynx and larynx in contrast to that with ordinary white light laryngoscopy. The ability to demonstrate capillary loop morphology in the mucous membranes and submucous ...
Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is a new endoscopic technique that allows for the observation of the mucosal surface microvessel and glandular patterns, which can aid in the diagnosis of BE. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of NBI in BE patients. A retrospective analysis was ...
Narrow band imaging in endometriosisNarrow band imaging in endometriosisdoi:10.1016/j.jmig.2006.10.028Martin Farrugia and Mini S. Nair and Konstantinos V. KotronisJournal of Minimally Invasive GynecologyFarrugia M,Nair MS,Kotronis KV. Narrow band imaging in endometriosis [ J ]. J Minim Invasive ...
2. Diagnostic Value of Narrow-band Imaging System with Magnifying Endoscopy in Early Esophageal Carcinoma and Precancerous Lesions 方法:168例常规内镜下食管黏膜病变患者用窄带成像技术(NBI)、卢戈氏碘染色法观察其上皮乳头内毛细血管袢(IPCL)的形态学改变,并活检组织做病理学分析;30例正常者做对照组。
Narrow band imaging (NBI), in conjunction with magnifying endoscopy (ME), has arisen more and more attention in the area of advanced endoscopy. By enhancing the mucosal microvascular architecture and surface pattern, it is feasible to use ME-NBI to identify subtle changes associated with gastric ...