The research population also demonstrates linguistic segregation, as they use only Yiddish for daily communication with Hebrew, the main official language of Israel, serving primarily for study and ritual purposes. The sample consisted of 56 girls, divided between 4th graders and 7th graders, who ...
Previous research on modality effects supports the notion that writing modality can have an effect on output fluency, though results are inconclusive. In a sample of 2nd, 4th, and 6th graders Berninger et al. (2009) found that alphabet recall was more rapid when typing compared to writing by...
Personal conflict narratives were written by 364 4th鈥 6th graders from two urban schools in the U.S. mid-south that contrasted in levels of poverty and crime. Narratives were coded for severity of violence, type of aggression, explanations, characters' mental and emotional states, and authors'...
Hebrew speakers had strongest associations between EFL RC and MA with all aspects of EFL morphosyntactic use, while Arabic speakers relied on English MA for all aspects of correct morphosyntactic production. Regression analyses showed Hebrew speakers relied solely on English RC for verb and sentence ...