1.Narrative Perspective in Realist Cinema: Evaluating the Focalization Pattern of Bandits of Orgosolo (1961) (Guido Kirsten) The ideas presented in this paper depart from the assumption that there is an intrinsic link between form and evaluation. Whenever we think of a specific form in film (be...
1)narrative form叙事形式 1.This paper investigates the narrative form and the artistic effects thus achieved in William Faulkner s novel The Sound and the Fury.福克纳小说《喧哗与骚动》中的叙事形式与所揭示的人物意识的分析,指出《喧哗与骚动》中作者从四个叙事角度成功通过不同侧重点的叙述形式向读者展示...
that other non-white peoples would become stronger and overtake them and their better physical form. The end of that quote that you had you could hear good posture requires drill, which requires a certain kind of intellect and a will, which still puts white people as superior.” ...
19. I try novels from the narrative, theme Form, image characteristics, characteristics of content, structure, tragicomedy integration and advised Correctional coexistence with the entertainment aspects, to get the strange fiction it. 本人试从其小说的叙事方式、主题表达、形象特征、内容特色、结构特点、悲...
2. The art, technique, or process of narrating: the highest form of narrative. 3. a. A presentation of real-world events that connects them in a storylike way: "There has been less of a coherent, connected media narrative and more of a kind of episodic focus on events, controversies...
(2019). The Long 1970s: Neoliberalism, Narrative Form, and Hegemonic Crisis in the Work of Marlon James and Paulo Lins. In: Deckard, S., Shapiro, S. (eds) World Literature, Neoliberalism, and the Culture of Discontent. New Comparisons in World Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https:...
While narrative refers to the account of events over time, discourse is a web of meanings, ideas, and practices expressed in a textual form (Bischoping & Gazso, 2015). In other words, discourse is a broad term that concerns power and language in society; while narrative focuses on how ...
Film and the development of interactive narrative. This paper explores narration in film and in videogames/virtual environments/interactive narratives. Particular attention is given to their use of the continuity of time, space and action and this is A Clarke,G Mitchell - 《Lecture Notes in Comput...
Nei suoi film successivi, la regista accostòforme narrative tradizionali, erotismo e satira sociale. Literature Emaki is a horizontal, illustratednarrative formthat was created during the eleventh to sixteenth centuries in Japan. L’emaki è unaforma narrativaorizzontale e illustrata nata e sviluppa...
The brothel has an important role in Latin American literature and film. The fictional brothel is expected to produce gender in both men and women, but these gendered identities are placed at the extremes within the bordello. This gender extremism creates opposition, or gender transgression, in th...