But for all her flair, I think it was a little misdirected. “I am very interested and concerned about hatred and discrimination, which hang as prevalent and thick in Korean society as air.” Basically, she criticizes the controversy for being only the latest example of the ‘feminist check...
In the end, writing characters of the opposite sex requires a commitment to understand the difference between those qualities, which are inherent and those, which are learned, and to accept that we are all made of the same clay, and merely sculpt it in different ways. —Melanie Anne Phillips...
This may sound somewhat naive, and certainly isn’t a magic bullet. Of course, various initiatives of this nature have already been going on for decades too. However, deepening them and enlarging their scope would be still relatively cheap, and uncontroversial. Moreover, given the direct correl...
And I’d sooner take a bullet than find myself in a hospital. I have a whole new outlook and it’s this: when my number’s up, it’s up. Period. I have no desire to stay in this world one more second than the Creator wants me here. In fact, I’d commit suicide but my ...
Hence my wife and I have bitten the bullet and will be sending our (nearly) three year-old daughter Alice to a lovely kindergarten down the road come March, 9am-2pm Mon-Fri for 320,000 won a month. On the one hand it’ll naturally be strange and a little sad without her, but on...
In his Pulitzer Prize winning book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, Siddhartha Mukherjee names Paul Ehrich, the “father of chemotherapy,” as the person who first coined the term “magic bullet”—“a phrase with an ancient, alchemic ring that would sound insistently through...
In his Pulitzer Prize winning book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, Siddhartha Mukherjee names Paul Ehrich, the “father of chemotherapy,” as the person who first coined the term “magic bullet”—“a phrase with an ancient, alchemic ring that would sound insistently through...