You can check the flight distance between airports, or measure the driving distance from an airport to the local city. If you're booking a long flight, check the flight duration from one airport to another, or look up the local time zone at any major international airport. We also have ...
成田国际机场(Narita International Airport)位于 1-1 Furugome, Narita, Chiba Prefecture, 日本 东北 14301 公里。,联系电话:+81-476-34-8000.查看成田国际机场(Narita International Airport)交通信息及怎么去成田国际机场(Narita International Airport)。
Narita Airport is always a breeze to go through, since I have a Japanese passport, it allows me to use the automatic security stuff at immigration. alvinchan0909 10 posts 2 months ago Tokyo Narita (NRT) is where most international flights will go, while the others will end up at Tokyo...
Narita International Airport 1978年建立,位于千叶县成田市,简称成田机场,旧称新东京国际机场。2004年起,为了和东京国际机场(羽田机场)区别而更名为成田机场。尽管成田机场的客源主要来自东京市,但它与东京市中心相距遥远,即使乘坐最快的火车从机场到市中心也要花上36分钟(京成Skyliner)。如今,成田国际机场主要运作国际...
International Airport 成田市 Save Share "Awesomeduty freefor all your Japanese treats"(26 Tips) "Counters only open at 7am, andimmigrationat customs at 7:30am"(21 Tips) "Free WiFi, good for last minute souvenir shopping and awesome sushi"(68 Tips) ...
成田国际机场(Narita International Airport,日语:成田国際空港/なりたこくさいくうこうNarita Kokusai Kūkō,IATA代码:NRT;ICAO代码:RJAA),通称成田机场(成田空港),原名新东京国际机场(日语:新東京国際空港/しんとうきょうこくさいくうこうShin-Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō),位于日本千叶县成田市,是日本最大的国际机...
Narita International Airport (NRT)Narita International Airport (NRT Airport) is one of the busiest airports in Japan. It served more than 33 million passengers in 2018. It is home to All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Jetstar Japan, Nippon Cargo Airlines, Peach Aviation, Spring Airlines Japan...
Narita International Airport IATA: NRT ICAO: RJAA City: Tokyo Country: Japan Category: airportsNearest citiesTravelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any ...
介绍位于成田的机场 Narita International Airport的详细资讯。成田机场作为连接日本与世界的大门,已与海外和国内100多个城市形成交通网络连接。
成田国际机场 Narita International Airport *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!位于千叶县成田市,简称成田机场,国际航班多在这里起降。是日本最大的国际机场,也是日本航空、全日空、达美航空的枢纽机场。虽然客流主要是前往东京的,但这里与东京市中心相距较远,约60公里。东京成田机场主要有一号和二号两个候机楼组成,两个候机...