Desai, Kinjal
Siraj Khan from New Delhi. He knows 94 film stars mimicry voices. He has done more than 2000 shows throughout India & Abroad in the past 20 years. Siraj Khan has participated in many TV Serials & Intviews. KV Sammelan with Dr. Kumar Vishwas at AajTak (Siraj Khan as Sh. Narendra Mod...
You have read some of the achievement of Modi government. The government made sure that citizens are always safe and citizens also know that this government is working hard to get India one of the most powerful countries. Let’s hope BJP government will come again in power after the elections...
The following sections are included:IntroductionWhat is Hindi?Gandhi and His HindustaniModi and His HindiPolitical Connotation in HindiConclusionReferences#Introduction#What is Hindi?#Gandhi and His Hindustani#Modi and His Hindi#Political Connotation in Hindi#Conclusion#References...