纳伦德拉·莫迪(古吉拉特语:નરેન્દ્ર મોદી,英语:Narendra Modi,1950年9月17日-), 出生于印度瓦德拉嘎镇(又译瓦德纳加尔),印度政治家,现任印度总理兼人事、督察和养老金部部长、原子能和空间署署长 。古吉拉特大学政治学硕士,2001年10月就任古吉拉特邦首席部长,并连续三届担任此职。
And now a few days ago, Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with the agreement of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, have all signed a comprehensive landmark “Land Boundary Agreement” between India and Bangladesh, solving the 300 year problem! All’s well that ends ...
Remembering the first PM in the age of Narendra ModiAakar Patel