NA practices a 12-Step philosophy similar to that of Alcoholics Anonymous. When you attend an NA meeting, you will be led through the 12 Steps and, at subsequent meetings, will discuss your progress through the steps and the overall progress of your sobriety. Supporters of NA believe that by...
User Name Email Address Password By clicking register, I agree with theTerms of Use Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Place FRIDAY - 9:00 AM Greater Works Christian Fellowship 210 Southampton Street Buffalo,New York Details: Is this information correct? Click here to update it yourself!
Jill NelsonDeNeen Brown
This app will provide you with details about Narcotics Anonymous in Ireland. The app features: - a full, up-to-date meetings list, based on our BMLT installation - a map of meeting locations, with meeting details, and driving directions to each meeting - a selection of Narcotics Anonymous ...
Suffolk Area Service Narcotics Anonymous aims to show Long Island that any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live
Next Meeting: Wednesday February 18, 2015 @ 7pm Meeting adjourned: Kathy Long Elected Chair of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 On January 13, 2015, Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long, was elected unanimously by her peers on the 5-member...