柯恩伯格(Kemberg,1967)——提出了自恋人格违常是来自于边缘性人格群(borderlinepersonality organization)当中的一种结果;虽然采取了比较原始的防卫机转,但是个案的自我功能是比较高的。 自恋人格疾患(narcissistic personality disorder,NPD )第一次是在DSM-III开始加入诊断的命名系统当中。精神分析师长久以来就对这样的...
An earlier paper by Phillipson and colleagues published in 1985 aimed to investigate the gender bias in diagnosis and etiological explanation of narcissistic personality disorder. In this paper, the researchers found that men are more likely to display feelings of grandiosity and extreme self-...
Keyword: Key Word : narcissistic, personality, metro sexual, men, Jakarta Abstrack: ABSTRACT :Mid, appeared a term discussed later, the metrosexual. When I first mentioned by Simpson (1994), not many people are paying attention to this. But now even metrosexual man touted as a major phenomen...
While narcissists from both sexes share common traits, male narcissists tend to be online trolls, disrespectful to women and dominate using mind games. Narcissistic personality disorder(NPD; narcissism) is a personality disorder seen in both men and women with similar signs in both sexes. However...
2.A personality disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy. Also callednarcissistic personality disorder. 3.Pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, considered in psychoanalytic theory to be a fixatio...
The meaning of NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER is a personality disorder characterized especially by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, persistent need for admiration, lack of empathy for others, excessive pride in achievements, and snobbish, dis
Assessment of Borderline Personality Features in Population Samples: Is the Personality Assessment Inventory-Borderline Features Scale Measurement Invarian... Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is more often diagnosed in women than in men, and symptoms tend to decline with age. Using a large communit...
or impairment.” There are four personality disorders where there is an increased potential for violence and one disorder is listed in this section; although it does not fully meet the criteria of a personality disorder, it does result in episodic violence similar to that of personality disorders...
barrierstocommunicatewithothersindistantlands.Theideaof narcissisticpersonality,whichwastechnicallyintroducedbyHavelockEllisin1898and popularizedbySigmundFreudinthe19 th century,hasspawnedscoresofstudiesspanningmany nations.Despitethescholarlypopularityof,andpublicfascinationwith,narcissisticpersonality, acarefulreadingofthe...
Narcissistic behavior can lead to several complications in both the sufferers’ lives and the lives of those around them. Many patients with this disorder also suffer from an addictive personality and become dependent on drugs or alcohol. They also have a hard time maintaining personal relationships...