The Frequently Asked Questions deal with various aspects of narcissistic (often abusive) behavior, traits, personality, and style - and there is much more in the journal entries and in the hundreds of excerpts from the Narcissistic Abuse Study List. Return to the Menu - Click HERE!!! Contents...
The Frequently Asked Questions deal with various aspects of narcissistic (often abusive) behavior, traits, personality, and style - and there is much more in the journal entries and in the hundreds of excerpts from the Narcissistic Abuse Study List. Return to the Menu - Click HERE!!! Contents...
TO overcome grooming by a toxic person or peer group, remember the following list of fast tips and tricks that can help you craft an easier interior emotional if not social experience for you. Be who YOU needed as a role model when you were younger. Seriously. One of the most helpful li...
When I was just learning about narcissists, NPD, and sociopaths, I found there was an entire cast of characters in this NarcWorld. I am a big Disney fan and understand that there is always a dark side to every story. In NarcWorld, we have plenty to learn so here is my initial list...
herself, but sees it as external. Those traits are projected onto someone else or a group of people instead. You become the one who is selfish, weak, unlovable, or worthless. Projection is very crazy-making and damaging to the self-esteem of people close to a narcissist, especially ...
In contradistinction, the traits and qualities of himself or herself that the narcissistic parent finds bad, unacceptable, rejected, or shame-inducing are projected onto and attributed to the scapegoat child, the black sheep of the family, the reject and the outcast who is then rendered a constan...
You may have felt powerless, deeply ashamed, and disconnected from your sense of self. Surviving a narcissistic relationship can be very intense, but there is hope. In this article, we’ll clarify the traits and behaviors of a narcissist and offer tips for how to deal with a narcissist in...
The problem is to disentangle their tales of fantastic grandiosity from the reality of their talents and skills.They always tend either to over-estimate or to devalue their potency. They often emphasize the wrong traits and invest in their mediocre or (dare I say) less than average capacities....
Narcissists become boredvery quickly, so eventually, they will get tired of the person they’re with and move on to the next lover on their list. Often, that lover will be viewed as anupgradefor one reason or another. For example, if a former partner has just been promoted to a well...
Both sociopaths and malignant narcissists can be charming, intelligent, seductive, and successful. They share similar traits of being unreliable, self-centered, insincere, dishonest, and needing control. Both malignant narcissists and people with APD have an inflated view of themselves and a sense ...