McLoughlin, Tara
This rule affects commercial records storage facilities that store federal records and applies to ail agencies, including NARA, that establish and operate records centers, and to agencies that contract for the services of commercial records storage facilities.Swartz, Nikki...
NARA Posts Federal Records Schedules OnlineElectronic records (Management)Online information servicesInformation servicesOnline servicesThe article reviews the website from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).Information Management Journal...
NARA Electronic Records Archives (ERA) User ConferenceKimberly Richardson
ARTICLE: NARA Appraisal and Disposition Policies for Federal Civil Court Records: Alternate ApproachesMarvin H. KabakoffPh.D
Testimony by NARA Employees Relating to Agency Information and Production of Records in Legal ProceedingsAllen Weinstein