For a Hong Kong private company, the registration fee payable for the late delivery of the Annual Return is as follows: The company’s return date is also the anniversary of the date of the Hong Kong company’s incorporation in a year. Furthermore, if a Hong Kong company fails to comply...
Theregistrationfeepayablewillbecalculatedaccordingto theresubmissiondateoftheproperlysignedform. BusinessName(Section2) 7. Pleasestateanybusiness namesusedinadditiontothecompany ’sname. DatetowhichthisReturnisMadeUp(Section4) 8. Pleasestatethe date to whichtheAnnual Return is madeup. For a private ...
Registrar will imposedifferent layer of late feethat is up to HK$3480. The Company Registry makes no discretion on the amount of annual registration fees payable. Additionally, the Companies Registry does not
The registration fee payable will be calculated according to the resubmi 51、ssion date of the properly signed form.Business Name (Section 2)7. Please state any business names used in addition to the company ' s name.Date to which this Return is Made Up (Section 4)8. Please state the ...
49、 a director or the company secretaryA form which is not properly signed will be rejected by theCompanies RegistryThe registration fee payable will be calculated according to the resubmission date of the properly signedform.Business Name (Section 2)7.Please state any business names used in add...
Theregistrationfeepayablewillbecalculatedaccordingto theresubmissiondateoftheproperlysignedform. BusinessName(Section2) 7. Pleasestateanybusiness namesusedinadditiontothecompany ’sname. DatetowhichthisReturnisMadeUp(Section4) 8. Pleasestatethe date to whichtheAnnual Return is madeup. For a private ...
The registration fee payable will be calculated according to the resubmission date of the properly signed form. Business Name (Section 2) 7. Please state any business names used in addition to the company’s name. Date to which this Return is Made Up (Section 4) 8. Please state the ...
Please refer to the informationpamphleton ‘PriceGuidetoMainServices ’forthecorrectfeepayable. feeispaidbycheque,thechequeshouldbecrossedandissuedinHongKongDollarspayable Ifthe to CompaniesRegistry .Pleasedonotsendcash. Signature Thisformmustbesignedbyadirectororthecompanysecretary.Aform...