尽管占点胜利在结算界面是平局,但是按照Napoleonic Total War 3的游戏规则,点数多的一方获胜。 军团战,指的是双方都用同一个时期的军级单位,在不重复且满足点数限制的情况下进行战斗。比如44团战,房主指定1812年,36分,那么双方就只能选择1812年的军级单位,同时还要满足不重复和36分的限制。 这篇文章是我临时起意...
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The five battalions of this formation might add up to the 2,000-3,000 prisoners mentioned by James. Did the presence of the Rockets give the Saxons an opportunity to defect? The British Joint Operational Research from WW2 found that German prisoners of War reported that rocket projectiles fire...
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名称:Napoleon: Total War - Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars 类型:策略 开发商:The Creative Assembly,Feral Interactive (Mac) 发行商:SEGA,Feral Interactive (Mac) 系列:Total War 发行日期:2012 年 6 月 18 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 ...