Napoleon is a very popular game in the Total War game series and thousands of people really love to play Mods created for this game.
This mod will change the combat sounds. Muskets, artillery, bullet impacts, artillery impacts and so on. Stay tuned for more! The Century War Jun 4 2024TBDReal Time Strategy The Century War takes place in an alternate universe where America lost the revolutionary war, Napoleon won Waterloo, ...
it had to be what you always ask from games of this genre: to be realistic, fun, challenging, enormous... epic. If you thought that DarthMod Napoleon was already offering all that, then you have to play the new version to realize how much...
This mod uses the models from L'aigle from Warband for Napoleon Total War. You have a full playable campaign divided into chapters in order to reproduce all French revolutionary and coalition wars. "The most uncontrollable and unstoppable force inside of any man is the one that encourages each...
The first version of this mod is focused on the French Revolution. It adds ultra realistic units and immersive campaign gameplay never seen before in Napoleon Total War. Join us on discord !
DarthMod Napoleon enhances the gameplay experience of Napoleon: Total War to the Maximum! Posted byDARTH__VADERonJan 14th, 2012 The size of the units is brought to realistic, "Large" levels. The enhanced melee mechanics, the improved AI ...