"there wasn't time for a nap" 同义词:sleep a soft or fuzzy surface texture the yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy) that stands up from the weave 同义词:pile sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed) 同义词:catnapcat sleepforty winksshort sleepsnooze ...
There is no one perfect time for a nap—it's really about what works best for you and your baby. So, select nap times that fit your child's natural rhythm and your family's schedule. "Think about your baby's day, and try to time their naps logically," saysDeb Lonzer, MD, chair ...
7. We work to make naptime soothing for older children too. Toddlers and older children are welcome to bring a blanket or a favorite lovey from home. Soft music and low lighting help set the sleepy-time mood. And if a toddler still loves being rocked to sleep? No problem. Our...
There should be no television, computer, mobile phone, radio, or music playing while the child is going to sleep. TV and video games should be turned off at least 1 hour before bedtime. Infants and children should be put to bed when they appear tired but still awake (rather than falling...