1) Naodesheng 脑得生1. Effects of different extracting techniques on Naodesheng against focal cerebral infarction of rats; 提取工艺对脑得生抗大鼠局灶性脑梗死的影响2. Effect of Naodesheng capsule on intimal proliferation and vascular remodeling after angioplasty in rabbits; 脑得生胶囊对家兔血管...
药品包装盒(脑得生片) Drug packaging (Naodesheng)关彦斌
1) naodesheng injection 脑得生注射液1. In this paper, the study on preparation process and quality control of naodesheng injection was reported. 本研究以脑得生注射液为研究对象,以人参皂苷Rg_1、人参皂苷Rb_1、葛根素和红花黄色素A为质控指标,对其制剂工艺进行了研究;并分别建立了薄层色谱法(TLC)和...
1)Naodesheng oral liquid脑得生口服液 1.Study on Preparation Technology of Naodesheng Oral Liquid脑得生口服液制备工艺研究 2)Naoling oral liquid脑灵口服液 1.OBJECTIVE:To establish an HPLC method for the determination of Ginsenoside Rg1 in Naoling oral liquid.目的:建立以高效液相色谱法测定脑灵口服...
1. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Naodesheng concentrated pills; 脑得生浓缩丸的质量控制方法的改进2) Naodesheng Pills 脑得生丸 1. The Study on Pharmocokinety of the Recipe Naodesheng Pills; 复方中药脑得生丸的药代动力学比较研究 更多例句>> ...
汉浯拼音: Naodesheng Pian 【成份】三七、川芎、红花、葛根,山楂 【功能主治】活血化瘀,通经活络。都这山阻络所致的眩晕、中风 症风肢体不用、言语不利及头晕目眩;脑动脉硬化、缺血性中风及脑出血后遗症见上述证候者 规 格】糖衣片(片芯重0.3g)。【用法用量】口服。一次6片,一日3次。
标题:脑得生片 拼音名:NaodeshengPian 标准编号:WS3-B-0384-90 【处方】 三七 78g 川芎 78g 红花 91g 葛根261g 山楂(去核)157g 【制法】 以上五味,取三七、葛根130.5g分别粉碎成细粉;其余红花、川芎、山楂及葛根加水煎煮二次,第一次1.5小时,第二次1小时,合并煎液,滤过,滤液浓缩成相对密度为1.22~1.25(...
1.本外观产品的名称为包装盒(脑得生提取物胶囊),用途是用于包装胶囊. 1. The appearance of the product name for the box (Naodesheng extract capsules), is used for packaging purposes capsules. 2.本外观设计要点主要体现在主视图图案及色彩. 2. The design is mainly reflected in the main view point...
Objective: To establish the quality control standards for Rhizoma Chuanxiong in Naodesheng Tablet. 前言:目的:建立脑得生片中川芎的质量标准。 www.chemyq.com 2. Objective: To naodesheng orally disintegrating tablet. 前言:目的:研制脑得生口崩片。 www.chemyq.com 3. Effects of different extracting tech...
拼音名:Naodesheng Wan 标准编号:WS3-B-1609-93 【处方】 三七 78g 川芎 78g 红花 91g 葛根261g 山楂(去核)157g 【制法】 以上五味,粉碎成细粉,过筛,混匀。每100g粉末加炼蜜140~150g制成大蜜丸,即得。 【性状】 本品为褐色大蜜丸;气微香,味微甜、酸。