Jianghai Introduction;Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the manufacture, sales and service of capacitors, related materials and accessories. The former name was called Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Factory which was established in Oct. 1958. ...
江海产品广泛用于工业产品,汽车电子,医疗,消费电子等应用领域。江海致力于为上述应用领域开发出一站式配套的产品。 轨道交通 新能源 医疗 其他应用 工业自动化 消费类电子 汽车电子 轨道交通 新能源 医疗 其他应用 工业自动化 消费类电子 汽车电子 轨道交通 公司介绍 南通江海电容器股份有限公司主要从事电容器及其材料...
NantongJianghai capacitor Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise engaged in the research,development, production and sales of capacitors and their materials andinstruments. The company is the leading unit of Jiangsu capacitor and materialindustry technology strategic innovation alliance, and has been ranke...
NANTONG JIANGHAI CAPACITOR CO., LTD. 公司地址(Address):通州市平潮镇通扬南路79号 邮政编码(Postcode):226361 传真或电话(TEL / FAX):0513-86571812
The China Nantong Jianghai International Culture and Tourism Festival has been held for 20 years and is renowned for integrating cultural and tourism resources, promoting cooperation between the culture and tourism industries, and boosting consumption....
Account & Orders Custom Cables Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Capacitors (222) Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - Leaded(109) Hybrid Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors(1) Polymer Aluminum Capacitors(112) Register to Get More Benefits Register Now Already registered?Log In...
亿万财富触手可及,突然杀出股权纠纷,这让南通江海的高管们心乱如麻,四处奔波“救火”。证监会已介入停工门事件,要求董事长等高管赶往江苏证监局和中国证监会解释情况。[网友有话] 证监会介入南通江海停工门:员工称不解决就再停工 “6月9日,江苏省证监局打电话过来,问公司到底怎么一回事。10日一大早,董事长和董秘...
制造商型号:ECS2WBW681MLA350050V-JA 制造商:NANTONG JIANGHAI CAPACITOR 商品描述: 阶梯价格 数量香港国内含税 1061+ -- ¥34.94400 规格参数 产品属性 属性值 产品分类 标准包装 标准包装是从制造商/代理商处获得的最小包装规格。所以最小订货量可能会小于制造商的标准包装的数量。当产品分解成较小数量时...
ECR1HGK101MLL50100016 by Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Co Ltd is an Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor. Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors are under the broader part category of Capacitors. A capacitor is a passive electronic component that stores energy. Capacitors are commonly used for energy storage, voltage...
Steel Wire Rope Supplier, Steel Wire Rope, Transport Chain Manufacturers/ Suppliers - Nantong New Jianghai Internation Trade Co., Ltd.