wordslipomeaning fat andsomameaning body, which perfectly describes these spherical objects that are made mainly from lipids. In some cases other constituents are added to modify their chemical and physical properties (Figure 9b). Liposomes are easily prepared by disturbing the lipid film in aqueous...
A Report for the ESRC 2007 AUTHOR,YEAR Grunwald, 2005 Hassan, 2005 HM Government, 2005 Hornig Priest, 2005 PERSPECTIVE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS MENTIONED SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS (explicit or implied) Still in early stages, the technology's future is unclear, meaning the ethical issues...
In another meaning- ful attempt, MA with a low polymerized state has been developed which exhibited considerable oral absorption [66]. Primaquine (PMQ), having reported anti-leishma- nial activity, was chemically modified by the introduction of imidazolidin-4-one and ferrocene to form peptidomi...
Nanogenerators embedded in clothing like a hoodie or T-shirt could bring a new meaning to the phrase, "the heart of rock and roll." iStockphoto/Thinkstock Doctors need dependable technology to power devices implanted in patients to regulate or monitor the patient's health. Examples of such...
Engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a technique for harvesting electricity from air humidity, dubbed the “generic Air-gen effect.” According to research published in Advanced Materials, any material with nanopores less than 100 nanometers in diameter can be utilize...
Optimizing the shape of the ion beam probe (meaning by both instrument design optimization and by actual operational optimization) is a good example. The ion beam profile (current density distribution) at the sample plane can generally be fitted by the superposition of a narrow and high current ...
In this narrative review, PubMed, Medline, Scopus and Cochrane electronic databases were searched using key words like “tissue engineering”, “regenerative medicine”, “alveolar bone defects”, “alveolar bone regeneration”, “nanomaterials”, “scaffolds”, “nanospheres” and “nanofibrous ...
The interpretation: the receiver’s understanding of the meaning of the future sign. An organizational point of view considers the future importance of the sign for an organization. The Internet is a valuable source of information [22] where many signals occur and can represent an organization’s...