(or from 'atom to transistor') as they get larger. Many numerical examples are used to provide concrete illustrations and the corresponding MATLAB codes are provided in the book. These codes, along with videostreamed lectures by the author, keyed to specific sections of the book, are ...
Among the most significant examples of inorganic NPs at the preclinical stage is a Gd-based degradable hollow virus-like NP made using a hard template of mesoporous SiO2 with loading ICG [122]. The NP was subsequently surface-modified with cyclic RGD pentapeptide, thus combining multimodal imaging...
*Use few word and lots of pictures to make your slides exciting Belkin confessed that he was motivated to follow these instructions by the offer of a prize for the presentation with the most pictures and fewest words - a bottle of Scotland's fine malt whisky. "I have a nano-confession, ...