nanoscience and nanotechnology letters journal of biobased materials and bioenergy journal of biomedical nanotechnology journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology #4 作者:ahgxh (联系作者 | 作者点评过的期刊) 时间:2017-09-21 19:50 纠错举报 对我有帮助 0 2016年影响因子1.889,JCR二区,审稿意见很专业...
全名/缩写Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 期刊ISSN1941-4900 2023-2024影响因子1.128 最新自引率0.00% 期刊官方网站 是否OA开放访问 通讯方式 涉及的研究方向 出版国家或地区 出版年份0 年文章数272 中科院JCR分区大类:物理小类:MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIP ...
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (NNL) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal consolidating nanoscale fundamental and applied research activities in all disciplines of science 主管单位: ASP 主办单位: ASP 国际刊号: 1941-4900 国内刊号: 无 出版地方: United States 邮发代号: 无 创刊...
JOURNAL POLICY: It is journal policy to publish only 100% original and unpublished research work therefore Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters does not wish to receive any papers on research work that has already been reported in parts or contains already published text, data, figures, tables or...
期刊名称:Nanoscience and nanotechnology letters NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS NANOSCI NANOTECH LET NANOSCI. NANOTECHNOL. LETT 1941-4900 2008213051 同行评议:是 本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2013年) 本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2015年) 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE...
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (NNL) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal consolidating nanoscale fundamental and applied research activities in all disciplines of science, engineering and medicine to publish original short research articles as communications and letters of important new ...
期刊名称:《Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters》 | 2017年第3期 关键词: Nanoparticles; Zinc Oxide; Albino Mice; Hematology; Serum Biochemistry; Histology; 6.Microstructure and Phase Transformation of Biomedical Ti-20Nb-12Ta-0.5Zr Alloys Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting 机译:选择性激光熔融法...
201120122013201420152016201720182019Materials Science (miscellaneous)Nanoscience and Nanotechnology The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the sec...