中间红色的卡片是关于 (PRODUCT)RED的介绍(产品的部分或者全部利润将会捐献用来研究艾滋病),日文我也看不太懂就不多说了 。另外一份是入门指南。 左边的盒子里放着耳机和数据线(固定耳机的盒子据说是纸质环保材料,放在水里能自然分解 ),因为自己有iphone和ipad,数据线耳机通用,所以也就没有拆开(此nano支持国行的...
NANOPRODUCT COMPRISING LACTOBACILLUS REUTERI DAN080 USEFUL IN PROPHYLAXIS AND MEDICINE, BOTH HUMAN AND VETERINARY AND MEDICAL USE OF THE SAMEThe invention relates to a use of DAN080 strain with deposit number DSM 15693 as an active component for manufacturing a dermaceutic effective in skin ...
MMNANO(Molecular Model Nano Set) MMNANO contains 4 kinds elements of variety of the hybrid.And it can be easily spliced into some reasonable 3-D molecular structure. List Price$668.89 Price:$579.69 Save:$89.20 Page:1/Total:1 Go to page:: 1 About...
Korea Nano Standard In order to regulate Koreamarket Safety mechanism of nano products, Korean knowledgeEconomics The ministry promulgated "Korea" recently.Nano products National standards for safety classification ". It is understood that thestandard In line with the security clauses promulgated by the...
Nano zinc oxide is a high active product. It can screen ultraviolet radiation and infrared ray effectively. It has lots of fantastic functions, such as sterilization, reducing and keeping temperature. Using in rubber, nanometer zinc oxide can improve its finish, mechanical strength, attrition resista...
product RED !!! ipod参加 “product RED” 这个计划的,还有好几个公司参加,比如微软,比如戴尔,我的壁纸就是“product RED”的~很好看,找了我两个小时。。。这个计划的大概意思是说同型号的产品,红色为特别版,卖的也较贵,然后厂商会取出销售额中的一部分钱捐给好像是非洲的艾滋事业,应该...
nanoproduct-review.com 相似文献Design and production of nanoparticles formulated from nano-emulsion templates-a review. Journal of Controlled ReleaseAnton N, Benoit J-P, Saulnier P. Design and production of nanoparticles formulated from nano-emulsion templates--A review. J... N Anton,JP Benoit,P...
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Nanomaterials and Public Disclosure: Are European Nano Product Registries the Answer? Lynn L. Bergeson and Meglena Mihova Nano product registries in Europe are the newest twist to satiating the public's relentless "right to know." Nominally intended to prevent hazards, facilitate monitoring, and ...