| |--- cmake_relpath #使用CMake的Nanopb示例 | |--- cmake_simple #使用CMake的Nanopb示例 | |--- network_server #使用nanopb通过网络进行通信连接示例 | |--- simple #Nanopb简单示例 | |--- using_double_on_avr #在avr编译器上使用双精度数据类型的Nanopb示例 | |--- using_union_messages #...
Nanopb C code itself is designed to be portable and easy to build on any platform. Often the bigger hurdle is running the generator which takes in the.protofiles and outputs.pb.cdefinitions. There exist build rules for several systems: Makefiles:extra/nanopb.mk, seeexamples/simple CMake:extr...
I have been playing with nanopb and cmake, and there is a problem in my view as to how the package provide the FindNanopb.cmake file and such. I see for example that nanopb provides nanopb:: namespace and targets but there is not example provided where this is use. To use those tar...
I am trying to force the option option (nanopb_msgopt).no_unions = true; to all my .proto files. I noticed the cmake variable NANOPB_OPTIONS. I tried: set(NANOPB_OPTIONS -s \(nanopb_msgopt\).no_unions:true) but got the error message: goo...
当我试图在文件夹gRPC / c++ /cpp/helloworld中运行c++示例时,它需要在用Cmake构建gRPC时没有编译的库。linker flagscd ../..sudo make install 通过将grpc_cpp_plugi 浏览2提问于2019-08-20得票数 0 回答已采纳 2回答 用Python编译Jaeger gRPC proto文件 、、 我不熟悉gRPC,但我的理解是,我需要在相关的...
CMake:extra/FindNanopb.cmake, seeexamples/cmake SCons:tests/site_scons(generator only) Bazel:BUILDin source root Conan:conanfile.pyin source root PlatformIO:https://platformio.org/lib/show/431/Nanopb PyPI/pip:https://pypi.org/project/nanopb/ ...
下载protobuf 、cmake https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases https://cmake.org/download/ 打开cmake 1.你下载的protubuf目录中的cmake目录 2.protubuf编译后的目录 然后点configure 会自动检测出你的vs,一切默认就好,然后点 finish 然后点击Generate,如果成... ...
Which build system are you using, Make or CMake? Have you checked the build system documentation (Make)? Have you already tried wrapping nanopb in a component, and which issues did you run into?2 posts • Page 1 of 1 Return to “ESP-IDF” Jump to ...
Ubuntu18.04+OpenCV3.2.0源码安装时,出现错误:Failed to download v3.1.0/protobuf-cpp-3.1.0.tar.gz ,解决方法:下载附件zip文件,解压后得到protobuf-cpp-3.1.0.tar.gz文件,替换/opencv_contrib-3.2.0/modules/dnn/.download/bd5e3eed635a8d32e2b99658633815ef/v3.1.0目录下的同名文件,重新cmake编译即可。