Fast progress in modern nanotechnologies based on use of nanoparticles, nanofibers and nanotubes with different composition, shape and size allows elaboration of materials with superhigh strength, thermal and electric conductivity, acoustical and optical properties. Those materials a...
Nanomateriali e nanotecnologie nei dispositivi medici SHARE Nanomateriali nei dispositivi medici I nanomateriali sono ampiamente utilizzati nel settore dei dispositivi medici. Grazie alle loro avanzate proprietà meccaniche, biologiche e chimiche, sono utilizzati in dispositivi quali innesti ossei sintetici...
This manuscript describes recent promising studies made towards increasing tissue regeneration through the use of nano compared to conventional materials.%Si definisce nanotecnologia l'utilizzo di materiali con dimensioni inferiori a 100 nm. Nonostante l'utilizzo di nanotecnologie abbia rivoluzionato ...
Nanologie Small is Beautiful Objekt a Monade Von Tropfen und Spiegeln. Medienlogik und Wissen im 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhundert Scherben. W. Benjamins Miniatur »Das bucklichte Männlein« Keim Das Kleine der Literatur. Stifters Autobiographie Anfangen – ohne Ende. Samuel Bec...
The article presents the state of the art and the most important tendencies of one of the most promising sectors within the scenario of technological innovation in constructions: the application to materials and components of the nanotechnologies, a kind of technologies that modify at infinitesimal ...
(nanostrutturati), quindi: solidi cristallini con dimensioni dei grani 1-100 mm (nanocristalli), rivestimenti superficiali a strato singolo o multistrato con spessore 1-100 nm (nanocoatings), polveri ultrafini con dimensioni medie delle particelle 1-100 nm (nanopolveri), e fibre con dia...
nanotechnologies applied to the food sector: the relationship between science and law in defining new scientific entities; the problems related to the procedures of risk assessment and risk management; the role played by ethics in the framework of EU policy; the EU regulatory approach to nanofood....