货号型号灯适用于(应用) ND-3300 NanoDrop 3300 荧光分光光度计 发光二极管 核酸定量、DNA 定量、RNA 定量、蛋白定量 ND3300LAPTOP 带便携式计算机的 NanoDrop 3300 荧光分光光度计 3 个发光二极管 (LED) 核酸、蛋白和定制荧光基团 货号ND-3300 价格(CNY)/ Each - 申请报价 型号: NanoDrop 3300 荧光分光光度...
单链DNA:33ng-cm/ulRNA:40ng-cm/ul 中选择基座模式,NanoDrop2023/2023c分光光度计使用1.0mm到0.05mm的短光程来进展检测,这样保证不用稀释就可以检测高浓度样品。 留意:报告中的吸光值可以象软件屏中显示的模式存档。不管基座检测还是比色皿检测,核酸检测的吸光值被全都化为1cm光程下的读数值。 NanoDrop2023/...
42、光程,单位cm通常情况下核酸的消光系数为:l 双链DNA:50ng-cm/ull 单链DNA:33ng-cm/ull RNA:40ng-cm/ul当选择基座模式,NanoDrop 2000/2000c分光光度计使用到的短光程来进行检测,这样保证不用稀释就可以检测高浓度样品。注意:报告中的吸光值可以象软件屏中显示的模式存档。不论基座检测还是比色皿检测,核...
Nanodrop for DNA, RNA and Protein Measurement 7/24/2023Laetitia CLOTAIREI used this instrument to quantify and look the quality of DNA, RNA and protein samples. You can detect if there is contamination in your samples. The advantage of this machine is the use of small ...Read Review ...
创新的 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaro™ 样品智能技术已经内置到每台仪器,以此提高测量准确性和污染物鉴别能力。可以在您决定是否将样品用于下游应用前,在 仅需 1-2 μL 样品,数秒内实现对 DNA、RNA 和蛋白质样品的定量和定性分析,同时让您获得全光谱数据。兼容比色杯检测。
参考“Measurement Ranges”来获得详细信息。当检测样品的吸光值≥3.0时(1cm光程下),可以使用较少量的样品进行检测。独特的屏幕显示右侧栏显示核酸检测特定的配置,左侧的任务栏在“Software Overview”中有详细描述光谱图中显示的数据都是一致化为10mm光程下的读数。光谱显示的右栏包括以下内容: Sample ID-输入样品名称...
重复性Measurement repeatability: Typical: 0.002 A (1.0 mm path) or 1%CV, whichever is greater (SD of 10 individual measurements at 0.97 A)Measurement repeatability: Typical: 0.002 A (1.0 mm path) or 1%CV, whichever is greater(SD of 10 individual measurements at 0.97 A) ...
Full spectrum microvolume UV-Vis spectrophotometer with 190nm-850nm wavelength measurement range Sample vol 1.0 - 2.0 μL Measurement range 2 - 27500 ng/μL dsDNA Column integrity sensor Tilting and sliding screen 2 yr warranty Quantify and qualify DNA, RNA, and protein samples with only 1-2...
Altogether, these systems not only reduce measurement volume (as little as 0.5 to 2 µl), but also tend to be more efficient time‐wise than traditional methods, making them useful even when sample is plentiful. The protocols in this unit are based on the most widely accepted microvolume ...
NanoDrop One/NanoDrop OneC能力■光谱范围广 (190-850 nm),适合多种样品类型的测量: ○ 多肽 (205 nm) ○ DNA 和 RNA (260 nm) ○ 纯化蛋白质 (280 nm) ○ 毒理学测定和工业染料 (490 nm) ○ 金纳米粒 (520 nm) ○ 比色法蛋白质测定(BCA 562 nm、Bradford 595 nm、改进的 Lowry 650 nm、...