C. Measurement of protein using bicinchoninic acid. Anal. Biochem. 150, 76-85 (1985). Stoscheck, C. M. Quantitation of protein. Meth. Enzymol. 182, 50-68 (1990).Tags MicrovolumeProtein Concentration DeterminationNanoDrop 2000c SpectrophotometerTraditional Spectrophot...
直接双击打开我们刚刚编辑的方法,基座检测或比色杯检测均可以用这个方法进行多肽或蛋白的检测(NanoDrop 2000c)。 按常规的方法检测即可:取2ul溶蛋白的缓冲液做“Blank”→取2ul溶蛋白的缓冲液做“Re-Blank”(建议) →充分混匀蛋白样本,取2ul检测“Measure”。 软件会自动根据我们设置的参数来计算蛋白的浓度。 参...
为选定的 NanoDrop 微量分光光度计提供可选的安全工具,以助您的实验室持续遵守联邦数据法规的要求。 了解适用于监管环境的工具 下载最新软件更新,以便利用您的 NanoDrop 仪器的全部功能。 检查近期更新 蛋白质定量分析 NanoDrop 分光光度计支持对蛋白质样品进行 A280 和 A205 直接测量以及比色测定(如...
The compact NanoDrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer allows for highly sensitive protein concentration measurements. Coupled with the fact that only a very small sample size is needed, this is a unique, accurate and quick (2-10 sec) way to make measurements when only limited (ultra-low) sample mass is...
The NanoDrop 2000c Spectrophotometer - Microvolume Protein Concentration Determination (German)Basic ProtocolsJournal of Visualized Experiments
冲液做“Re-Blank”(建议)→充分混匀蛋白样本,取2ul检测“Measure”。 软件会自动根据我们设置的参数来计算蛋白的浓度。 参考文献: Scopes,R.K.1974.Measurementofproteinbyspectrophotometryat205nm.Anal.Biochem.59:277-282. GrimsleyG.R.,andPaceC.N.“SpectroscopicDeterminationofProteinConcentration”CurrentProtoc...
The NanoDrop 2000c Spectrophotometer - Microvolume Protein Concentration Determination (German) Traditional spectrophotometry requires placing samples into cuvettes or capillaries. This is often impractical due to the limited sample volumes often used for protein analysis. The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 2000c...
Dye/Chrom.Editor(仅应用于Miro Array和Protein Labels)-让用户进入并编写新的染料参数,参考Miro Array和Protein Labels中的Dye/Chrom.Editor来获取详细信息。 Editor Options(方法编辑栏内)-微编辑方法设定可用的选择。功能键当应用被打开时,下列的四个功能键被显示在左侧栏的顶部: Measure-开始进行样品检测,这个功能...
Ensure downstream application success with a microvolume spectrophotometer that accurately measures concentration and purity from just 1-2 μL of nucleic acid or protein samples. Have Questions? Change view Catalog NumberDescription ND-ONEC-WNanoDrop OneCMicrovolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with Wi-Fi ...
Auto-Measure and Auto-Blank functions – multi-sample processing can be streamlined with instant measurements that occur when the pedestal arm is down. These functions can be turned ON or OFF with a single tap on the screen. Wider dynamic range – no dilutions required for highly concentrated ...