Probing histone modifications at a single-cell level in thousands of cells has been enabled by technologies such as single-cell CUT&Tag. Here we describe nano-CUT&Tag (nano-CT), which allows simultaneous mapping of up to three epigenomic modaliti
Probing histone modifications at a single-cell level in thousands of cells has been enabled by technologies such as single-cell CUT&Tag. Here we describe nano-CUT&Tag (nano-CT), which allows simultaneous mapping of up to three epigenomic modaliti
Determination of the cut-off value of cELISA A total of 295 ASFV-negative and 216 inactivated ASFV-positive serum samples were used to determine the cut-off values for a positive and negative result for the cELISA. The percentage of inhibition (PI) was then calculated: PI = 100% ...
2a, b). These suggested that the reporter is regularly produced but also continuously degraded via the proteasome in the cell (fast turnover) under normal conditions. The mCherry and FluoReSyn are produced from a single mRNA, making a fusion protein that is efficiently cleaved at the T2A ...
(second PCR). The amplified sdAb library was directly cloned into a pQE80-derived prokaryotic expression vector in frame to an N-terminal His14-bdSUMO-tag and a C-terminal FLAG-GFP-tag. In total 96 single clones were expressed in deep-well plates. After cell disruption, crude lysates were...
The cut‑off value of the cELISA is 20.72 %. Three hundreds and sixty porcine serum samples were tested by both newly developed cELISA and commercial kits. The sensitivity and specificity were 99.68 % and 95.92 %, respectively. The coincidence rate of the two methods was 99....
Materials and Mrlieqseuutilhdtsocwdhrseorme aaptopglrieadphiny/amctausaslsspaemctprolems edteryte(cUtioPnLCan-Md Sv/aMlidS)a.ted by the ultra-performance 2.1. Reagents and Materials The 19-nortes2t.oMstaetreorinaels, eanstdraMdeiothlo(dEs2), trenbolone (TRE), methyltestosterone (MT) ...
(i) mixing two T cell lines, each expressing one CAR specific for one antigen (mixing); (ii) transducing T cells to simultaneously express two different CARs (dual signaling CAR, combining) or (iii) transducing T cells to express one single CAR that consists of two antigen-binding domains ...