Save and Save As Save and Save As are both accomplished with the Write Out command,Ctrl+O. When prompted, press enter to accept the existing file name. To save as another file name, type in the new name and press Enter, or use theCtrl+Tkey combination to use nano's built-in file ...
烧录命令:sudo sunxi-fel -p spiflash-write [烧录的地址] [烧录的文件] u-boot 裁剪 拉取u-boot 源码 # 1. 使用git 拉取 u-boot, 这里可以使用加速gitclone # 2. 查看分支,并切换到对应分支git branch -agit checkout nano-v2018.01 # 3. 进行配置make A...
(124M) on OpenWebText # I/O out_dir = 'out' eval_interval = 2000 log_interval = 1 eval_iters = 200 eval_only = False # if True, script exits right after the first eval always_save_checkpoint = True # if True, always save a checkpoint after each eval init_from = 'scratch' #...
To set the status, write an ASCII 0 to 1 to the node.Following are several useful commands for getting and setting the core power state:To display the name of the core power state with index <y>, enter the command: $ cat /sys/device...
(addr); Wire.write(0x40); //后面的字节是数据 对于 (i = 0; i < ADCBUFFERSIZE; i++) { 如果 (i % 26 == 0) { Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.beginTransmission(addr); Wire.write(0x40); //后面的字节是数据 } y = ADC缓冲区[i]; 如果 (yPrev > y + 1) { if (yPrev == ...
To get the status of core power state <y> on core <x>, read the appropriate node. To set the status, write an ASCII 0 to 1 to the node.Following are several useful commands for getting and setting the core power state:To display the...
start module $./core start Alternatively, you can use an absolute address or write it into a startup script, such as: $/opt/nano/core/core start The log file core.log is output on the log/core.log file. Since the Cell nodes depend on the Core module for automatic network recognition...
except Exceptionase:time.sleep(.001)front_motor.write(encode(SetRPM(1,8,myData.drive_speed)))time.sleep(.001)front_motor.set_rpm(myData.drive_speed)controller=RampController(interface="/dev/input/js0",connecting_using_ds4drv=False)t=threading.Thread(target=send_target_message)t.start()contro...
['min_connections'=>1,'max_connections'=>10,'connect_timeout'=>10.0,'wait_timeout'=>3.0,'heartbeat'=>-1, ],'params'=> ['insist'=>false,'login_method'=>'AMQPLAIN','login_response'=>null,'locale'=>'en_US','connection_timeout'=>3.0,'read_write_timeout'=>6.0,'context'=>null...
ser.write(s_buffer,3); } int main (int argc, char** argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "my_serial_node"); ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::Subscriber command_sub = nh.subscribe("/car/cmd_vel",1000,cmd_vel_callback); try { ser.setPort("/dev/ttyUSB0"); ...