The NanoTracker 2 is an optical tweezers platform based on research-grade inverted optical microscopes and designed for sensitive manipulation, force and tracking experiments. With the NanoTracker™ 2, the user can trap and track particles from several
The NanoTracker 2 is an optical tweezers platform based on research-grade inverted optical microscopes and designed for sensitive manipulation, force and tracking experiments. With the NanoTracker™ 2, the user can trap and track particles from several
Available as free, unrestricted-use downloads, our award-winning MPLAB® XC C Compilers are comprehensive solutions for your project’s software development. Learn More CURIOSITY NANO TOUCH ADAPTER The Microchip Curiosity Nano Touch Adapter is a hardware extension platform to ease the connection bet...
The Microchip Curiosity Nano Base for Click boards™ evaluation kit is a hardware extension platform to ease the connection between Curiosity Nano kits and extension boards like the mikroBUS™ Click modules and Xplained Pro extension boards. ...
DOWNLOADS Floyd user manual(.pdf, 1.9 MB) e-con Cameras for Floyd � FLOYD features 3 4-lane CSI camera inputs to support the most demanding image processing applications using the NVIDIA Jetson Nano / TX2 NX / Xavier NX line of GPU modules. Diamond Systems has partnered with e-con ...
$ python3 install --user 通过源码的脚本 安装torchvision 时间40多分钟 中途卡在一个地方比较久,可以Ctrl +C 终止,重新再运行命令,它会接着前面继续往下编译 异常:Download 下载失败 自己去 下载Pillow-8.4.0.tar.gz ...
Download serial debugging assistant: SIM7600 serial debugging assistant Open the device manager, find the port number corresponding to AT Port; then open the sscom software, select the corresponding port and baud rate, check "Add carriage return and line feed"; click the sscom "Extension" button...
$ sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager 1. 安装需20多分钟 报错:ValueError: Please install nodejs >=12.0.0 before continuing. 解决:安装最新版的node 下载 ARMv8版 因 jetson nand 用CPU 是ARM Cortex-A57 (64位ARMv8-A架构) ...
sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/statusbar 生成相应配置文件:(如果某个文件报权限问题,可以尝试用sudo chmod 777赋予权限) jupyter lab --generate-config 设置进入notebook的密码(这里会要设置两次,第二次为确认输入的密码): jupyter notebook password ...
sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/statusbar 1. 2. 3. 生成相应配置文件:(如果某个文件报权限问题,可以尝试用 sudo chmod 777 赋予权限) jupyter lab --generate-config ...